Main Entry: |
premium |
Synonyms: |
Trinkgeld, abatement, agio, allowance, appreciation, at a premium, award, bait, bank discount, bank rate, bonus, bonus system, bounty, breakage, bribe, carrot, cash discount, chain discount, charge-off, come-on, compensatory interest, compound interest, concession, consideration, costly, cut, dear-bought, dear, decoration, deduction, depreciation, discount, discount rate, dividend, donative, double time, drawback, exceptional, exorbitant interest, expensive, extra, extra added attraction, extra dash, fancy, fee, filigree, filling, fillip, flourish, freebie, frill, fringe benefit, goad, gratuity, gravy, grease, gross interest, guerdon, high-priced, high, honorarium, importance, in short supply, incentive, incentive pay, incitement, inducement, interest, interest rate, kickback, lagniappe, largess, liberality, lucrative interest, lure, luxurious, meed, mortgage points, net interest, not affordable, of great cost, ornament, overtime pay, padding, palm oil, penal interest, penalty, penalty clause, percentage, perks, perquisite, perquisites, plum, pourboire, price-cut, price, price of money, price reduction, pricey, prize, rare, rate, rate of interest, rebate, rebatement, reduction, refund, regard, reward, rich, rollback, salvage, salve, scant, scanty, scarce, setoff, simple interest, solatium, something extra, sparse, sportula, spur, steep, stiff, stimulus, stock, store, stuffing, sumptuous, superaddition, sweetener, tare, time discount, tip, top, trade discount, tret, trimming, twist, underselling, unpayable, usury, value, wrinkle, write-off
Main entries similar to: premium |
abatement, agio, allowance, bonus, bounty, breakage, bribe, concession, consideration, cut, dear, decoration, deduction, depreciation, discount rate, dividend, double time, drawback, excellent, exceptional, expensive, extra, fancy, fee, filigree, filling, fillip, flourish, frill, gift, gratuity, gravy, grease, high, honorarium, inducement, interest, kickback, lagniappe, largess, liberality, luxurious, meed, ornament, padding, palm oil, penalty, percentage, perks, perquisite, plum, price, price cut, pricey, prize, rate, rebate, reduction, refund, reward, rich, rollback, salvage, salve, setoff, steep, stiff, stuffing, sumptuous, superior, sweetener, tare, time and a half, tip, top, treat, trimming, twist, unpayable, usury, wrinkle, write off