Main Entry: |
setoff |
Synonyms: |
abatement, agio, allowance, antipode, antipodes, antipole, antithesis, antonym, balance, ballast, bank discount, breakage, cash discount, chain discount, charge-off, concession, consideration, contra, converse, counter, counterbalance, countercheck, counterpoint, counterpoise, counterpole, counterterm, counterweight, cut, deduction, depreciation, discount, drawback, equipoise, equivalent, foil, give-and-take, impress, impression, imprint, inverse, kickback, letterpress, mackle, makeweight, obverse, offcut, offprint, offset, opposite, opposite number, outset, outsetting, outstart, penalty, penalty clause, percentage, premium, price-cut, price reduction, print, quid pro quo, rebate, rebatement, reduction, refund, reissue, reprint, reverse, rollback, salvage, setout, something of value, stamp, start-off, start, starting, takeoff, tare, the contrary, the other side, time discount, tit for tat, trade discount, tret, underselling, vis-a-vis, write-off
Main entries similar to: setoff |
abatement, agio, allowance, antipodes, antipole, antithesis, antonym, balance, ballast, breakage, concession, consideration, contra, contrary, converse, counter, counterbalance, counterpoint, counterweight, cut, deduction, depreciation, drawback, equipoise, equivalent, flip side, foil, give-and-take, impress, impression, imprint, inverse, kickback, letterpress, mirror image, obverse, offset, opposite, opposite number, other side, outset, penalty, percentage, premium, price cut, print, quid pro quo, rebate, reduction, refund, reissue, reprint, reverse, rollback, salvage, stamp, start, takeoff, tare, tit for tat, write off