Main Entry: |
cut |
Synonyms: |
AWOL, French leave, Parthian shot, Platonic form, Platonic idea, Spartan, Vandyke, abandon, abate, abatement, abbreviate, abbreviated, abrade, abrasion, abridge, abridged, abscind, abscondence, absence, absence without leave, absentation, absenteeism, absenting, abstract, abysm, abyss, ache, aching, acuminate, adulterate, adulterated, aesthetic form, afflict, affront, aggravated, aggrieve, aggrieved, agio, agonize, ail, air line, airy, allotment, allow, allowance, amount, amputate, anguish, anguished, annihilate, aposiopestic, apportion, aquatint, aqueduct, archetype, aroma, arroyo, art form, aspersion, assemble, atrocity, attenuate, attenuated, attribute, attrition, autolithograph, ax, back answer, backset, badge, ban, bang, banish, bank discount, baptize, bar, barb the dart, bark, bash, bastardize, baste, bastinado, bat, bate, be a printmaker, be keen, beat, beat back, beat down, beating, beeline, belabor, belt, benumb, best, bezel, biff, big end, bigger half, birch, birthmark, bisect, bit, bite, blackball, blaze, bleeding, blemish, block, block out, block print, bloody, blot out, blotch, blotto, blow, blue-pencil, bob, boil down, bonk, book, bottom, bowdlerize, box, box canyon, brand, breach, break, breakage, brickbat, brief, bring in, bristle with, broach, broken, bruise, bruised, brush-off, brush off, brusque, budget, buffet, build, burn, burned, burst, busted, butcher, butt, cachet, calendar, caliber, canal, canaliculate, canaliculated, canalization, canalize, cancel, cane, canned, canyon, capsulize, carve, carve up, carved, cash discount, cast, cast out, caste mark, catalog, catercorner, caustic remark, cavity, censor, chafe, chain discount, chalk, chalk up, chamfer, chamfered, channel, channeled, chap, character, characteristic, charge-off, charge off, chase, chase away, chase off, chasm, cheapen, cheapening, check, check in, checked, checkmark, chill, chimney, chink, chinky, chip, chipped, chisel, chop, chromolithograph, chronicle, chunk, cicatrix, clap, claw, cleave, cleft, cleuch, clip, clipped, clipping, clobber, close, clough, clout, cloven, club, clump, coat, coating, cockeyed, col, cold-shoulder, cold shoulder, coldcock, colliquate, collop, color print, comeback, commission, compact, compass, compendious, compress, compressed, concession, concise, concussion, condense, condensed, configuration, conformation, contaminate, contempt, contingent, contract, contracted, contumely, convulse, copperplate, copperplate print, corduroy, corduroyed, corrugate, corrugated, corrugation, corrupt, costate, coulee, couloir, covering, cowhide, crack, cracked, crackle, cramp, cranny, crayon engraving, craze, crazed, crease, creased, create, crena, crenellate, crenulate, crevasse, crevice, cribble, crimp, crimped, crisp, crocked, crop, crop herbs, cross out, crosshatch, crucify, crumb, cudgel, cuff, cull, cultivate, culture, curt, curtail, curtailment, cut across, cut apart, cut away, cut back, cut crosswise, cut dead, cut direct, cut down, cut in two, cut off, cut off short, cut open, cut out, cut prices, cut short, cut up, cutback, cutoff, cutting, cutting remark, cwm, dado, dadoed, damaged, damp, dampen, dapple, dash, day off, deal, deal a blow, debase, deck, decline, decoagulate, decoct, decrease, decrement, deduct, deduction, default, defile, deflate, deflation, degree, dehiscent, delete, deliquesce, dell, delve, denaturalize, denature, departure, depletion, deport, depreciate, depreciation, depress, depression, derogation, description, despite, destiny, deteriorated, detraction, devaluate, devaluation, diagonalize, dice, dichotomize, differentia, differential, dig, dike, dilute, diluted, diminish, diminution, dint, dip, disappearance, discoloration, discount, disdain, disfellowship, disk, dismiss, dismissal, disparagement, dispart, disregard, dissect, dissever, dissolve, distinctive feature, distress, ditch, divaricate, dive, divide, divide into shares, divide up, divide with, dividend, division, divvy up, dock, docked, docket, doctor, doctor up, dole, dollop, dolor, donga, dot, downgrade, draw, drawback, dress, drive away, drive back, drub, drubbing, drumming, drunk, drunken, dump, earmark, edit, edit out, efform, elide, eliminate, elliptic, embittered, enchase, enchased, end, engrave, engraved, engravement, engraving, enormity, enroll, enscroll, enter, entrenchment, enucleate, epigrammatic, epitomize, equal share, eradicate, erase, escape, etching, ethereal, etherealize, exacerbated, excavation, except, excise, exclude, excommunicate, excruciate, excused absence, exile, expand, expatriate, expel, expunge, expurgate, extent, extinguish, extirpate, extraction, extradite, fall, fall in price, fallow, fashion, fate, fault, feather, feature, feint, fend off, fertilize, fester, fetch, fetch a blow, feuille, figuration, figure, file, fill out, film, fine, fissure, fissured, fissury, fix, flagellate, flail, flap, flash burn, flavor, flaw, fleck, fleeing, fleer, flick, flimsy, flog, flout, flouting, fluidify, fluidize, flume, flute, fluted, fluting, flux, fly open, foil, fold, foolery, force, foreshorten, forge, form, formalize, format, formation, fortify, fosse, found, fracture, fragment, frame, fray, frazzle, freckle, freeze, fret, frost, frostbite, fugitate, furlough, furrow, furrowed, fuse, fusillade, fustigate, gall, gap, gape, gaping, gappy, gaseous, gash, gashed, gather, gather in, genre, gibe, gibing retort, give a whipping, give pain, give the go-by, give the stick, give way, giveaway, glean, glyphic, gnaw, gnomic, go AWOL, go awol, go through, gob, gobbet, goffer, goffered, goldbrick, goof off, gorge, gouge, gouged, grabble, grade, graphotype, grate, grave, graved, graven, graving, grief, grieve, grieved, grind, gripe, groove, grooved, gulch, gulf, gutter, ha-ha, hack, half-price, half, hallmark, halve, halver, harmed, harrow, harvest, hash, hatch, have an edge, hay, height, helping, hew, hit, hit a clip, hoe, hold in solution, hold off, hole, holiday, home thrust, hooky, horsewhip, humiliation, hunk, hurt, hurt the feelings, idiocrasy, idiosyncrasy, ignore, ilk, impaired, impairment, impanel, imperfect, impress, impressed, impression, imprint, imprinted, in bits, in pieces, in shards, in shreds, incise, incised, incision, indent, indentation, index, indignity, individualism, inflame, inflict pain, infuse, injure, injured, injury, inner form, inscribe, inscribed, insculpture, insculptured, insert, insubstantial, insult, interest, interval, irrigate, irritate, irritated, isolate, jab, jag, jape, jeer, jeering, jest, jew down, jigsaw, jog, joggle, joint, jot, jot down, jump, jump ship, keep off, kennel, kerf, keynote, kick back, kickback, kill, kill by inches, kind, kloof, knead, knock, knock cold, knock down, knock off, knock out, knout, knurl, lace, lacerate, lacerated, laceration, laconic, lamella, lamina, laminated glass, laminated wood, lance, lap, lash, lay on, lay open, lay out, layout, leach, leaf, leak, leap, leave, leave loose ends, leave of absence, leave undone, leaving, leg-pull, lentigo, lesion, lessen, lessening, let alone, let be, let dangle, let go, let have it, level, lick, lick into shape, line, lineaments, lined, linoleum-block print, liquefy, liquesce, liquidize, list, lit, lithograph, lixiviate, log, look right through, lop, lot, lower, lowering, lowest, lump, lunge, machicolate, macula, maim, make, make a memorandum, make a note, make allowance, make an entry, make little of, make mincemeat of, make out, make prints, makeup, malinger, mangled, mannerism, mark, mark down, markdown, marked, marked down, marking, martyr, martyrize, matriculate, matrix, maul, mauled, measure, meed, melt, melt down, member, membrane, mess, mezzotint, microgroove, mill, mince, mint, minute, miss, moat, mock, mockery, modality, mode, model, modicum, moiety, mold, mole, morsel, mottle, mow, mulch, mutilate, mutilated, mutilation, nasty blow, nature, negative, neglect, nevus, nick, nip, nock, nonappearance, nonattendance, nose-dive, nose dive, notch, note, note down, np, nuance, nullah, numb, nut, ock, odor, offend, offense, omit, ope, open, open up, opening, ostracize, outlaw, outrage, overlook, pack off, pain, pained, pane, panel, pang, parcel, pare, paring, part, particle, particularity, parting shot, partition, pas, pass, pass by, pass over, pass up, passage, passion, paste, patch, patina, pattern, peculiarity, peel, peg, pellicle, pelt, penalty, penalty clause, penetrate, percentage, percolate, period, pick, pick out, picot, piece, pierce, pinch, pink, pistol-whip, pitch, pithy, place upon record, plait, plane, plank, plate, plateau, plating, play hooky, play truant, pleat, pleated, plow, pluck, plummet, plummeting, plunge, plunk, ply, plywood, point, pointed, poke, polka dot, poll, pollard, pollute, pommel, pooh-pooh, portion, post, post up, pound, premium, pretermit, price-cut, price cut, price fall, price reduction, prick, print, printed, procrastinate, prolong the agony, property, proportion, proscribe, prototype, prune, pruned, pullback, pummel, punch, puncture, push back, put-down, put-on, put back, put down, put in writing, put on paper, put on tape, put to torture, quality, quantum, quartered, quip, quirk, quota, rabbet, rabbeted, rack, ragged, rake-off, rake, range, rankle, rap, rare, rarefied, rarefy, rasher, rasp, ratio, ration, ravine, rawhide, reach, reap, reap and carry, rebate, rebatement, rebuff, recap, recapitulate, record, reduce, reduce to writing, reduced, reduction, refrigerate, refund, refusal, refuse, refuse to acknowledge, refuse to receive, refuse to recognize, register, reject, relegate, remission, remove, rend, rent, repel, repulse, rescind, reserved, retraction, retrench, retrenchment, ribbed, rifle, rifled, rifling, rift, rime, rimose, rimulose, rip, rive, riven, rock-bottom, roll back, rollback, root out, rough out, roughcast, roughhew, round, royalty, rub, rub out, rubber-block print, ruck, rude reproach, rule out, run, rung, running away, rupture, ruptured, rusticate, rut, rutted, rutty, s, sabbatical leave, sacrificial, safety glass, sag, salvage, savage, savor, saw, scald, scalded, scale, scale down, scallop, scar, scarification, scarify, scissor, scissure, scoff, scoop, scope, scorch, scorched, score, scored, scotch, scourge, scrap, scrape, scratch, scratched, scratching, scuff, sculp, sculpt, sculpture, sculptured, scum, scurrility, seal, seam, second-degree burn, section, segment, send away, send down, send off, send packing, send to Coventry, sententious, separate, serrate, set, set apart, set aside, set down, setoff, sever, severed, shade, shadow, shape, shard, share, share out, share with, shattered, shave, shaving, shear, sheet, shirk, shiver, shock, short, short and sweet, short answer, shortcut, shorten, shortened, shortening, shortest way, shred, shredded, shrinkage, shrub, shut, shut down, sick leave, significant form, simplify, singularity, skin, skip, skive, slab, slack, slam, slant across, slap, slash, slash across, slashed, slat, slice, slice the pie, slice up, slight, slit, sliver, slog, slot, slug, slump, smack, small share, smash, smashed, smite, smithereen, snack, snap, snatch, sneer, sniff, snip, snippet, snob, snort, snub, soak, solder, solubilize, solve, sore, sore spot, sort, space, spade, spank, spasm, specialty, speck, speckle, spike, splash, splinter, splintered, split, split up, splotch, spot, sprain, spread, spread out, spring open, sprung, spurn, spurning, stab, stab wound, stain, stair, stake, stamp, stamp out, stamped, standard, step, step down, stick, stigma, sting, stint, stipple, stitch, stock, strain, strap, strawberry mark, streak, stress, stress of life, stria, striate, striated, striation, strike, strike at, strike off, strike out, strip, strip off, stripe, stroke, structure, stump, stung, stunt, style, subtile, subtilize, subtle, succinct, suffering, sulcate, sulcated, sulcation, sulcus, sum up, summarize, summary, sunder, sunk fence, swat, swing, swing open, swinge, swipe, switch, switch off, synopsize, synopsized, table, tablet, tabulate, taciturn, tailor, taint, take French leave, take a premium, take down, take from, take in, take off, take out, tamper with, tang, tap, tape-record, tape, tare, taste, tatter, tattered, tattoo, tattoo mark, taunt, tear, tear open, telescope, tender spot, tenuous, terse, thaw, the cold shoulder, the go-by, the worse for, thermoform, thin, thin out, thinned-out, thinned, third-degree burn, thrash, throes, throw open, thrust, thrust back, thrust out, thump, thwack, tick, tight, till, till the soil, time discount, tittle, to the point, token, tool, tooled, tooth, torment, torn, torture, trade discount, trait, transport, trauma, traumatize, tread, trench, tret, trick, trifle, trim, trough, troughed, trounce, truancy, truantism, truncate, truncated, truncation, truncheon, tune down, turn, turn away, turn back, turn off, tweak, twist, twist the knife, twit, type, unclot, uncompact, uncomplimentary remark, uncompressed, underselling, unexcused absence, unsubstantial, vacation, valley, vaporous, veneer, verbal thrust, videotape, vignette, void, wadi, wafer, wallop, ward off, water, water down, watered-down, watered, watermark, weaken, weakened, weed, weed out, weld, well-worn groove, whack, whale, wham, whip, whittle, whop, windy, wipe out, wood engraving, woodblock, woodcut, woodprint, work, worse, worse off, worsened, wound, wounded, wrench, wring, wrinkle, wrinkled, write-off, write, write down, write in, write off, write out, write up, xylograph, yerk
Main Entry: |
clean-cut |
Synonyms: |
clean, clear-cut, clear, clear as crystal, clear as day, coherent, comely, connected, consistent, conspicuous, crisp, crystal-clear, crystalline, defined, definite, direct, distinct, evident, explicit, express, glaring, in focus, limpid, loud and clear, lucid, luminous, neat, obvious, patent, pellucid, perspicuous, plain, prominent, pronounced, shapely, simple, staring, straightforward, translucent, transparent, transpicuous, trim, unambiguous, unconfused, unequivocal, univocal, unmistakable, well-defined, well-favored, well-formed, well-made, well-marked, well-pronounced, well-proportioned, well-resolved, well-shaped
Main Entry: |
clear-cut |
Synonyms: |
assured, biting, categorical, chiseled, clean-cut, clear, clear as crystal, clear as day, coherent, connected, consistent, conspicuous, crisp, crystal-clear, crystal, crystalline, cutting, defined, definite, definitive, direct, distinct, evident, exact, explicit, express, glaring, in focus, indubitable, ingoing, limpid, loud and clear, lucent, lucid, luminous, manifest, nice, obvious, past dispute, patent, pellucid, penetrating, perspicuous, plain, positive, precise, prominent, pronounced, simple, specific, staring, straightforward, translucent, transparent, transpicuous, trenchant, unambiguous, unconfused, undisputed, undoubted, unequivocal, univocal, unmistakable, unquestioned, well-defined, well-marked, well-pronounced, well-resolved
Main Entry: |
cut across |
Synonyms: |
bar, catercorner, chiasmal, chiasmic, chiastic, crisscross, cross, crossbar, crosscut, crossed, crossing, cruciate, cut, cut a corner, cut corners, cut crosswise, cut through, decussate, decussated, diagonalize, intercross, intersect, intersected, intersecting, lie across, make a beeline, secant, short-cut, slant across, slash, slash across, transverse, traverse
Main Entry: |
cut back |
Synonyms: |
abbreviate, abridge, abstract, bob, boil down, capsulize, clip, compress, condense, contract, crop, curtail, curtail expenses, cut, cut corners, cut down, cut off short, cut short, damp, dampen, decrease, deduct, deflate, depreciate, depress, diminish, dock, downgrade, elide, epitomize, foreshorten, lessen, lower, mark down, mow, nip, pare, pare down expenses, poll, pollard, prune, reap, recap, recapitulate, reduce, retrench, roll back, scale down, shave, shear, shorten, simplify, slash, slow down, snub, step down, stunt, sum up, summarize, synopsize, take a reef, take from, take in, telescope, trim, truncate, tune down
Main Entry: |
cut corners |
Synonyms: |
blink, carefully ignore, cold-shoulder, curtail expenses, cut a corner, cut across, cut back, cut down, cut through, dodge, fudge, make a beeline, pare down expenses, pass over, pass over lightly, retrench, roll back, scamp, short-cut, skim, skim over, skim the surface, skimp, skip over, slight, slow down, slubber over, slur, slur over, take a reef, touch upon, touch upon lightly
Main Entry: |
cut down |
Synonyms: |
abbreviate, abridge, abstract, annihilate, beat down, bereave of life, blow down, blow over, blow to pieces, blow up, bob, boil down, bowl down, bowl over, brain, break down, bring down, bulldog, bulldoze, burn down, burn to death, capsulize, carry away, carry off, cast down, chloroform, chop down, clip, compress, condense, contract, crop, curtail, curtail expenses, cut, cut back, cut corners, cut off, cut off short, cut short, cut to pieces, damp, dampen, dash down, deal a deathblow, deck, decrease, deduct, deflate, depreciate, depress, deprive of life, destroy, diminish, disintegrate, dispatch, dispose of, do away with, do for, do to death, dock, down, downgrade, drop, elide, end, epitomize, execute, exterminate, fell, fetch down, finish, finish off, flatten, floor, foreshorten, frag, give the quietus, ground, gun down, hew down, immolate, incinerate, jugulate, kill, knock down, knock over, lapidate, launch into eternity, lay level, lay low, lay out, lessen, level, liquidate, lower, lynch, make away with, mark down, martyr, martyrize, mow, mow down, nip, pare, pare down expenses, pistol, poison, poleax, poll, pollard, precipitate, prostrate, prune, pull down, purge, put away, put down, put to death, put to sleep, rase, raze, reap, recap, recapitulate, reduce, remove from life, retrench, riddle, roll back, sacrifice, scale down, send headlong, shave, shear, shoot, shoot down, shoot to death, shorten, shotgun, silence, simplify, slash, slay, slow down, smash, snub, spread-eagle, stab to death, starve, steamroller, step down, stone, stone to death, strike dead, stunt, sum up, summarize, supinate, synopsize, take a reef, take down, take from, take in, take life, take off, tear down, telescope, throw, throw down, topple, trim, trip, truncate, tumble, tune down, vaporize, whack down
Main Entry: |
cut in |
Synonyms: |
barge in, break in, break in upon, burst in, butt in, charge in, chime in, chip in, come between, crash, crash in, crash the gates, creep in, crowd in, edge in, elbow in, encroach, entrench, foist in, horn in, impinge, impose, impose on, impose upon, infiltrate, infringe, insinuate, interfere, interlope, interpose, interrupt, intervene, intrude, invade, irrupt, obtrude, press in, push in, put in, put on, put upon, rush in, slink in, slip in, smash in, sneak in, squeeze in, steal in, storm in, throng in, thrust in, trench, trespass, work in, worm in
Main Entry: |
cut it out |
Synonyms: |
abandon, abort, belay, cancel, cease, desist, discontinue, drop it, end, give over, halt, have done with, hold, knock it off, lay off, leave off, quit, refrain, relinquish, renounce, scrub, stay, stop, terminate
Main Entry: |
cut loose |
Synonyms: |
bail out, board, boom, break away, break jail, break loose, break out, carouse, cast loose, celebrate, clap on ratlines, clear, clear hawse, create a disturbance, create a riot, debauch, disembarrass, disembroil, disengage, disentangle, disinvolve, dislodge, escape, escape prison, evade, extricate, flee, fly the coop, free, get away, get clear of, get free, get out, get out of, give way to, go all out, go berserk, go flat out, go unrestrained, haul, haul down, heave, heave apeak, heave round, heave short, hell around, jollify, jolly, jump, kedge, lark, lay, lay aloft, let go, let loose, let off steam, log, make a commotion, make a getaway, make an ado, make merry, make trouble, make whoopee, open up, raise a ruckus, raise a rumpus, raise a storm, raise hell, ratline down, release, revel, riot, roil, roister, run amok, run riot, run wild, see life, skip, skylark, slip the collar, spar down, spree, step out, stream the log, tear loose, traverse a yard, unknot, unlash, unravel, unsnarl, untangle, wanton, warp, whoop it up
Main Entry: |
cut off |
Synonyms: |
abridge, abrupt, abscind, alienate, amputate, annihilate, ax, ban, bar, bar out, bereave, bereave of life, bereaved, bereaved of, bereft, bisect, bleed, block, blockade, bob, break, break off, butcher, carry away, carry off, carve, cast off, cast out, catch, chloroform, chop, cleave, clip, close off, count out, crop, cull, curtail, cut, cut adrift, cut away, cut down, cut in two, cut out, cut short, debar, delete, denuded, depart, deprive, deprive of, deprive of life, deprived of, destroy, dichotomize, disarticulate, disconnect, disendow, disengage, disentitle, disherison, disinherit, disjoin, disjoint, disown, dispatch, displace, dispose of, dispossess, disseise, dissever, dissociate, disunite, divest, divested, divide, divorce, do away with, do for, do to death, dock, drain, ease one of, eject, eliminate, embargo, end, enisle, enucleate, eradicate, estrange, evict, except, excise, exclude, execute, expel, expropriate, exsect, exterminate, extinguish, extirpate, finish, finish off, fissure, foreclose, freeze out, gash, get rid of, hack, halve, hew, ignore, immolate, incise, insulate, intermit, interrupt, island, isolate, jigsaw, keep out, kill, knock off, lacking, lance, launch into eternity, lay low, leave, leave out, lighten one of, liquidate, lock out, lop, lynch, make away with, martyr, martyrize, milk, mine, minus, mutilate, nip, omit, ostracize, out of, pare, part, parted from, pass over, peel, pick out, poison, preclude, prohibit, prune, pull away, pull back, pull out, purge, put away, put down, put paid to, put to death, put to sleep, reject, relegate, remove from life, rend, repudiate, rive, robbed of, root out, rule out, sacrifice, saw, scissor, scrag, segregate, send to Coventry, separate, sequester, set apart, set aside, sever, shave, shear, shorn of, shut off, shut out, slash, slaughter, slay, slice, slit, snap the thread, snip, split, stamp out, stand aloof, stand apart, stand aside, starve, step aside, strike off, strip, strip off, stripped of, subtract, sunder, suspend, taboo, take a break, take away from, take from, take life, take off, take out, tap, tear, throw off, throw out, to, truncate, uncouple, unyoke, usurp, wanting, whittle, wipe out, withdraw
Main Entry: |
cut out |
Synonyms: |
abjure, abrupt, abscind, abstract, act for, alienate, amputate, annihilate, arrange, avulse, ban, bar, bob, calculate, cast, cast off, cast out, change places with, chuck, clear, clear away, clear out, clear the decks, clip, come off, concert, contrive, cooked-up, crop, crowd out, cull, cut-and-dried, cut-and-dry, cut, cut adrift, cut and run, cut away, cut off, delete, depart, deport, deracinate, design, desist, devise, dig out, dig up, disarticulate, disconnect, discontinue, disengage, disentangle, disjoin, disjoint, displace, dispose of, dissociate, disunite, disuse, divide, divorce, dock, double for, draw, draw out, dredge, dredge up, drop, eject, elide, eliminate, enucleate, eradicate, estrange, evolve, evulse, excavate, except, excise, exclude, exile, expatriate, expel, exsect, exterminate, extinguish, extirpate, extract, extricate, figure, fill in for, fixed, flee, fly, forecast, frame, get out, get quit of, get rid of, get shut of, ghost, ghostwrite, give over, give up, gouge out, grub up, have done with, hightail, in the bag, intend, isolate, knock off, lay plans, leave, leave off, let go, liquidate, lop, make a projection, make arrangements, make tracks, methodize, mine, mutilate, nip, nol-pros, not pursue with, on ice, organize, outlaw, packed, pare, part, peel, pick out, pinch-hit, plan, plan ahead, planned, plotted, pluck out, pluck up, prearrange, prearranged, preconcerted, precontrived, premeditated, preordered, program, project, prune, pull, pull away, pull back, pull out, pull up, purge, put-up, put behind one, quarry, quit, rake out, rationalize, relieve, relinquish, remove, renounce, replace, represent, resign, rigged, rip out, root out, root up, rule out, run along, run away, run away from, run off, schedule, schematize, schemed, segregate, separate, sequester, set-up, set apart, set aside, set up, shape, shave, shear, shut off, spell, spell off, split, stacked, stamp out, stand aloof, stand apart, stand aside, stand in for, step aside, stop, strike off, strike out, strip, strip off, subrogate, substitute for, subtract, succeed, supersede, supplant, swap places with, sweep away, systematize, take off, take out, take to flight, tear out, throw off, throw out, throw over, throw overboard, truncate, uncouple, understudy for, unearth, unravel, unyoke, uproot, waive, weed out, wipe out, withdraw, work out, work up, wrest out
Main Entry: |
cut short |
Synonyms: |
abbreviate, abbreviated, abridge, abridged, abstract, abstracted, arrest, block, bob, bobbed, boil down, brake, bring to, bring up short, butchered, capsule, capsulize, capsulized, castrated, check, checkmate, choke, choke off, clip, clipped, compress, compressed, condense, condensed, contract, crop, cropped, curtail, curtailed, cut, cut back, cut down, cut off, cut off short, dam, deadlock, digested, dispose of, do away with, dock, docked, draw rein, dumbfound, elide, elided, elliptic, end, epitomize, finish, finish off, foreshorten, freeze, gag, garbled, get rid of, halt, hashed, hush-hush, hush, kill, lopped, make away with, mangled, mow, mowed, mown, muffle, mutilated, muzzle, nip, nipped, poll, pollard, polled, prune, pruned, pull up, put paid to, put to silence, quiet, quieten, reap, reaped, recap, recapitulate, reduce, retrench, shave, shaved, shear, sheared, short-cut, shorten, shortened, shush, shut down on, silence, slaughter, snub, snubbed, soft-pedal, squash, squelch, stalemate, stall, stay, stem, stem the tide, stifle, still, stop, stop cold, stop dead, stop short, strike dumb, stunt, sum up, summarize, synopsize, take in, take off, telescope, throttle, to, trim, trimmed, truncate, truncated
Main Entry: |
cut the mustard |
Synonyms: |
be able, be up to, can, can do, clear, clear the hurdle, come along, come on, contrive, cut it, engineer, get along, get by, get on, go on, hack it, make it, make out, make the grade, manage, manage somehow, may, muddle through, negotiate, possess authority, put over, put through, scrape along, succeed in, swing, swing the deal, take charge, worry along
Main Entry: |
cut up |
Synonyms: |
act up, afflict, aggrieve, anguish, antic, apportion, barb the dart, behave ill, break down, bring to tears, broken-down, brokenhearted, bruise, caper, caracole, carp, carry on, carve, carve up, catch at straws, cavil, cavort, censure, clown, condemn, crush, crushed, curvet, cut, cut a dido, cut capers, cut up rough, dance, deep-troubled, denounce, desolate, desolated, disconsolate, disport, district, divide, divide into shares, divide up, divide with, divvy, divvy up, draw tears, embitter, fault-find, find fault, flounce, fool around, frisk, frolic, gambol, get into mischief, go on, grieve, heart-stricken, heart-struck, heartbroken, heartsick, hell around, horse, horse around, horseplay, hurt, hurt the feelings, inundate, inundated, knock, maffick, misbehave, misdemean, miserable, nitpick, oppress, overcome, overwhelm, overwhelmed, pain, pan, parcel, parcel out, part, partition, pettifog, pick holes, pick to pieces, pierce, play, play the fool, portion, prick, prostrate, pull apart, pull to pieces, quibble, raise Cain, raise hell, raise sand, raise the deuce, raise the devil, raise the roof, rap, reprehend, reprobate, rollick, romp, roughhouse, section, segment, share, share out, share with, show off, skin, skip, slice, slice the pie, slice up, sorrow, split, split up, sport, stab, sting, stricken, subdivide, suicidal, take exception, tear apart, tear to pieces, torment, trip, twist the knife, undone, whoop it up, woebegone, woeful, wound, wretched, zone
Main Entry: |
price cut |
Synonyms: |
abatement, agio, allowance, bank discount, break, breakage, cash discount, chain discount, charge-off, cheapening, concession, cut, decline, deduction, deflation, depreciation, devaluation, discount, dive, drawback, kickback, lowering, markdown, nose dive, penalty, penalty clause, percentage, plummet, plummeting, plunge, premium, price cut, price fall, price reduction, rebate, rebatement, reduction, refund, rollback, sag, salvage, setoff, slash, slump, tare, time discount, trade discount, tret, underselling, write-off
Main entries similar to: cut |
abandon, abate, abatement, abbreviate, abbreviated, abrade, abrasion, abridge, abridged, absence, abstract, abyss, accomplish, ache, aching, adulterate, adulterated, afflict, affront, aggravated, aggrieve, agio, agonize, ail, airline, airy, allotment, allow, allowance, amount, amputate, anguish, anguished, annihilate, aperture, aphoristic, apportion, aquatint, aqueduct, archetype, aroma, aspersion, assemble, atrocity, attenuate, attenuated, attribute, attrition, AWOL, ax, badge, ban, bang, banish, baptize, bar, bark, bash, bastardize, baste, bat, bate, beat, beat back, beat down, beating, beeline, belabor, belt, benumb, best, biff, birthmark, bisect, bit, bite, blackball, blaze, blemish, block, block out, bloody, blot out, blotch, blow, blue-pencil, bob, boil down, book, bottom, bowdlerize, box, brand, breach, break, breakage, brickbat, brief, bring in, bristle, broach, broken, bruise, brush off, brusque, budget, buffet, build, burn, burst, busted, butcher, butt, cachet, calendar, caliber, calibrate, canal, cancel, cane, canyon, carve, cast, cast out, catalog, cavity, censor, chafe, chalk, chalk up, channel, chap, character, characteristic, charge off, chase, chasm, cheapen, check, check in, chill, chimney, chink, chip, chisel, chop, chronicle, chunk, cicatrix, clap, claw, cleave, cleft, clip, clipped, clipping, clobber, close, clout, cloven, club, clump, coat, coating, col, cold shoulder, collop, comeback, commission, compact, compass, compendious, compress, compressed, concession, concise, concussion, condense, condensed, configuration, conformation, contaminate, contempt, contingent, contract, contracted, contumely, convulse, corduroy, corrugated, corrugation, corrupt, covering, crack, cracked, crackle, cramp, cranny, craze, crease, create, crenellate, crevasse, crevice, crimp, crisp, crop, cross out, crosshatch, crucify, crumb, cudgel, cuff, cull, cultivate, culture, curt, curtail, curtailment, cut across, cut back, cut down, cut off, cut out, cut short, cut up, cutback, cutoff, cutting, cutting remark, cwm, dado, damaged, damp, dampen, dapple, dash, day off, deal, debase, deck, decline, decrease, decrement, deduct, deduction, default, defile, deflate, deflation, delete, dell, delve, denature, departure, depletion, deport, depreciate, depreciation, depress, depression, derogation, despite, destiny, devaluate, differential, dig, digest, dike, dilute, diluted, diminish, diminution, dint, dip, disappearance, discoloration, discount, disk, dismiss, dismissal, disparagement, disregard, dissect, dissolve, distress, ditch, divaricate, dive, divide, dividend, division, divvy up, dock, docked, docket, doctor, dole, dollop, dolor, dot, downgrade, draw, drawback, dress, drive away, drive back, drub, drumming, dump, earmark, edge, edit, elide, eliminate, elliptic, elliptical, embittered, enchased, end, engrave, engraved, engraving, enormity, enroll, enter, entrenchment, epitomize, eradicate, erase, etch, etching, ethereal, etherealize, excavation, except, excise, exclude, excommunicate, execute, exile, expand, expatriate, expel, expunge, expurgate, extent, extinguish, extirpate, extraction, extradite, fall, fallow, fashion, fate, fault, feature, feint, fend off, fertilize, fester, fetch, figuration, figure, file, fill out, film, fine, fissure, fix, flagellate, flail, flap, flavor, flaw, fleer, flick, flimsy, flog, flout, fluidize, flume, flute, fluted, flux, foil, fold, foolery, force, foreshorten, forge, form, formalize, format, formation, fortify, fosse, found, fracture, fragment, frame, fray, frazzle, freckle, freeze, French leave, fret, frost, frostbite, furlough, furrow, furrowed, fuse, fusillade, fustigate, gain, gall, gap, gape, gaping, gaseous, gash, gather, genre, gibe, give way, giveaway, glean, glyphic, gnaw, gnomic, go through, gob, gobbet, goffer, goldbrick, goof off, gorge, gouge, grabble, grade, grate, grave, graven, grief, grieve, grieved, grind, gripe, groove, grooved, gulch, gulf, gully, gust, gutter, ha-ha, hack, hairdo, half, hallmark, halve, harmed, harrow, harvest, hatch, hay, height, helping, hew, hit, hoe, hold off, hole, holiday, hooky, horsewhip, humiliation, hunk, hurt, idiosyncrasy, ignore, impaired, impairment, impanel, imperfect, impress, impressed, impression, imprint, imprinted, incise, incised, incision, indent, indentation, index, indignity, individualism, inflame, infuse, injure, injured, injury, inscribe, inscribed, insert, insubstantial, insult, interest, interval, intoxicated, irrigate, irritate, irritated, isolate, jab, jag, jape, jeer, jeering, jest, jog, joint, jot, jump, keep off, kennel, keynote, kick back, kickback, kill, knead, knife, knock, knock down, knock off, knock out, knurl, lace, lacerate, lacerated, laceration, laconic, lance, lap, lash, lay on, lay out, layout, leach, leaf, leak, leap, leave, leave of absence, leaving, lesion, lessen, lessening, let alone, let be, let go, level, lick, line, lineaments, liquefy, list, lithograph, log, lop, lot, lour, lower, lowering, lowest, lump, lunge, maim, make, make out, makeup, malinger, mangle, mangled, mannerism, mark, mark down, markdown, marked, marking, martyr, matrix, maul, measure, meed, melt, melt down, member, membrane, mess, mill, mint, minute, miss, moat, mock, mockery, modality, mode, model, modicum, moiety, mold, mole, morsel, mottle, mould, moulder, mouldy, mow, mulch, mutilate, mutilated, mutilation, nature, negative, neglect, neuter, nevus, nick, nip, nonattendance, nose dive, notch, note, nuance, numb, nut, odor, offense, omit, open, open up, opening, operate, ostracize, outlaw, outrage, overlook, pack off, pain, pained, pane, panel, pang, parcel, pare, paring, part, Parthian shot, particle, particularity, parting shot, partition, pass, pass by, pass over, pass up, passage, passion, paste, patch, patina, pattern, pay no attention to, peculiarity, peel, peg, pellicle, pelt, penalty, penetrate, percentage, percolate, period, pick, pick out, picot, piece, pierce, pinch, pink, pistol-whip, pitch, pithy, plait, plane, plank, plate, plateau, plating, pleat, pleated, plow, pluck, plummet, plummeting, plunge, plunk, ply, plywood, point, pointed, poke, polka dot, poll, pollute, pommel, pooh-pooh, portion, post, potshot, pound, premium, price cut, prick, print, printed, procrastinate, property, proportion, proscribe, prototype, prune, pruned, pullback, pummel, punch, puncture, push back, put back, put down, put on, quality, quantum, quartered, quip, quirk, quota, rabbet, rack, ragged, rake, rake-off, range, rankle, rap, rare, rarefied, rarefy, rasher, rasp, ratio, ration, ravine, rawhide, reach, reap, rebate, rebuff, recap, recapitulate, record, reduce, reduced, reduction, refrigerate, refund, refusal, refuse, register, relegate, remission, remove, rend, rent, repel, repulse, rescind, reserved, retraction, retrench, retrenchment, ribbed, rifle, rift, rime, rip, rive, rock bottom, roll back, rollback, root out, rough out, roughcast, roughhew, round, royalty, rub, rub out, ruck, rule out, run, rung, rupture, ruptured, rusticate, rut, rutty, sacrificial, safety glass, sag, salvage, savage, savor, saw, scald, scalded, scale, scale down, scallop, scar, scarify, scissor, scissure, scoff, scoop, scope, scorch, scorched, score, scored, scotch, scourge, scrap, scrape, scratch, scratched, scuff, sculpt, sculpture, sculptured, scum, seal, seam, section, segment, send away, send off, sententious, separate, serrate, set, set apart, set aside, set down, setoff, sever, severed, shade, shadow, shaft, shape, shard, share, shattered, shave, shaving, shear, sheet, shirk, shiver, shock, short, shortcut, shorten, shortened, shred, shredded, shrinkage, shut, shut down, shut off, sick leave, simplify, singularity, skin, skip, slab, slack, slam, slant, slap, slap in the face, slash, slashed, slat, slice, slight, slit, sliver, slog, slot, slug, slump, smack, smash, smashed, smite, smithereen, snack, snap, snatch, sneer, sniff, snip, snippet, snob, snort, snub, soak, sock, solder, solve, sore, sore spot, space, spade, spank, Spartan, spasm, specialty, speck, spike, splash, splinter, split, split up, splotch, spot, sprain, spread, spring, sprung, spurn, stab, stain, stair, stake, stamp, stamp out, stamped, standard, step, step down, stick, stigma, sting, stint, stipple, stitch, stock, strain, strap, strawberry mark, streak, stress, striate, striated, striation, strike, strike off, strike out, strip, stripe, stroke, structure, stump, stunt, style, subtile, subtilize, subtle, succinct, suffering, sum up, summarize, summary, sunder, swat, swing, swipe, switch, switch off, table, tablet, tabulate, taciturn, tailor, taint, take down, take from, take in, take off, take out, tamper with, tang, tap, tape, tare, taste, tatter, tattered, tattoo, taunt, tear, telescope, tender spot, tenuous, terse, thaw, thin, thinned, thrash, throes, thrust, thrust back, thrust out, thump, thwack, tick, tight, till, tittle, to the point, token, tool, tooled, tooth, torment, torn, torture, trait, transport, trauma, traumatize, tread, trench, trick, trifle, trim, trough, trounce, truancy, truncate, truncated, tune down, turn, turn back, turn off, tweak, twist, twit, type, unsubstantial, vacation, valley, vaporous, veneer, videotape, vignette, void, wadi, wafer, wallop, ward off, water, watered-down, watermark, weaken, weakened, weed, weed out, weld, whack, whale, wham, whip, whittle, whop, windy, wipe out, woodblock, woodcut, work, worse, worsened, wound, wounded, wrench, wring, wrinkle, wrinkled, write, write off, write out, write up