Main Entry: |
stock |
Synonyms: |
Animalia, Broadway, ability, abundance, acceptation, accepted, acception, accommodate, accumulate, accumulation, accustomed, acquiescence, affiliation, afford, allotment, allowance, amass, amassment, ancestor, ancestry, and fish, animal kingdom, animal life, animality, anthrophore, apparentation, appraisal, appraise, appraisement, array, assessable stock, assessed valuation, assessment, assets, assets and liabilities, assortment, assurance, assuredness, authorized capital stock, average, axis, back-number, backlog, banal, beasts, beasts of field, beasts of prey, begetter, beginning, belief, bewhiskered, big end, big game, bigger half, birds, birth, bisque, bit, bite, blood, bloodline, blue chip, blue chip stock, bole, borscht, bouillabaisse, bouillon, branch, breed, breeding, bromidic, brood, broth, brute creation, budget, burgoo, burlesque, butt, byword, byword of reproach, cache, cane, capacity, capital, capital stock, carnival, carpophore, carry, catalog goods, cattle, caudex, caulicle, caulis, certainty, chicken soup, chimney, chowder, chunk, chute, circumstances, circus, clam chowder, clan, class, clear soup, cliched, clothe, collect, collection, commencement, commissariat, commissary, commission, commodities, common, common ancestry, common stock, commonplace, community, conception, confidence, conformable, consanguinity, consomme, consuetudinary, consumer goods, consumer items, contingent, contribute, conventional, convertible preferred stock, cornucopia, corny, corporate stock, country rock, creator, credence, credit, credulity, culm, culture, cumulate, cumulation, cumulative preferred stock, current, current assets, customary, cut-and-dried, cut, cyclical stock, deal, deal in, defensive stock, deferred assets, deferred stock, deme, dependence, deposit, derision, derivation, descent, destiny, devices, dike, direct line, disposable resources, distaff side, dividend, dole, domestic animals, donate, drama, dump, dupe, dynasty, effects, egg drop soup, eighth stock, end, endow, entertainment industry, equal share, equities, equity, equity security, established, estimate, ethnic group, evaluation, everyday, extraction, fade, fair game, faith, familiar, family, fancies, fate, father, fauna, female line, figure of fun, filiation, fill, fill up, find, fish soup, fixed assets, floating stock, folk, fool, footstalk, forebear, forefather, forerunner, founder, frozen assets, fund, funds, funicule, funiculus, furnish, furry creatures, fusty, game, gangue, garner, garner up, gather into barns, gazingstock, gazpacho, genealogy, generally accepted, genesis, gens, give, glamour issue, goat, goods, goods for sale, grass roots, gravy soup, growth stock, guaranteed stock, gumbo, habitual, hackney, hackneyed, half, halver, handle, haulm, have, head, heap, heap up, helping, heritage, hide, high-flier, hoard, hoard up, hold, hope, horses, hot issue, house, household, hypothecated stock, inactive stock, inception, income stock, intangible assets, intangibles, interest, inventory, invest, investment, issued capital stock, jest, jestingstock, job lot, joke, judgment, julienne, keep, keep on hand, kind, kindred, larder, laughingstock, lay in, lay up, leafstalk, legit, legitimate stage, letter stock, line, line of descent, line of goods, lineage, liquid assets, livestock, loaned stock, lode, lodestuff, long stock, look at, lot, mail-order goods, maintain, make available, make provision for, male line, market, mass, material, material assets, material resources, materials, materiel, matriclan, matrix, matzo ball soup, means, measure, meed, merchandise, mess, method, mineral deposit, minestrone, misoshiru soup, mock turtle soup, mockery, modicum, moiety, monkey, moth-eaten, mulligatawny, munitions, musty, nation, nationality, nest egg, net assets, net worth, nonassessable stock, nonvoting stock, normal, normative, obtaining, off-off-Broadway, off Broadway, offer, old, old hat, order, ordinary, ordinary shares, ore bed, origin, original, origination, ownership, oxen, oxtail soup, pale blue chip, parentage, part, participating preferred stock, patriclan, pay dirt, pedicel, pedigree, peduncle, penny stock, people, percentage, petiole, petiolule, petiolus, phratry, phyle, phylum, piece, pile, pile up, plant kingdom, platitudinous, playland, plenitude, plenty, popular, portion, pot-au-feu, potage, potage au tomate, potato soup, pottage, power, precursor, predominating, preference stock, preferred stock, prepare, prescribed, prescriptive, present, prevailing, prevalent, process, procure materials, progenitor, property, proportion, protective stock, provenience, provide, provide for, provisionment, provisions, puree, put up, quantum, quarter stock, quick assets, quota, race, radical, radix, rails, rake-off, range, ration, rations, raw material, received, reception, recourses, recruit, reed, regular, regulation, reliance, reliance on, repertoire, repertory, repertory drama, replenish, reserve, reservoir, resorts, resources, reverse split, review, rick, rise, root, roots, routine, run-of-the-mill, save, save up, seasoned stock, secrete, seed, seedstalk, segment, selection, sell, sept, set, share, share ledger, shares, sheep, shoot, short stock, show biz, show business, side, sideline, size up, slice, small game, small share, society, soup, source, spear, spear side, special situation stock, specialty stock, species, speculative stock, speech community, spindle side, spire, split, square, squirrel, squirrel away, stack, stage world, stagedom, stageland, stake, stale, stalk, standard, standard stock, staple, staples, steels, stem, stereotyped, stipe, stirps, stock-in-trade, stock ledger, stock list, stock split, stock up, stockpile, stocks, store, store up, stores, strain, straw, strawhat, strawhat circuit, stuff, subsidize, substances, succession, summer stock, supplies, supply, supply on hand, support, sureness, surety, suspension of disbelief, sword side, take stock, tangible assets, tangibles, taproot, target, ten-share unit stock, the boards, the footlights, the scenes, the stage, the theater, theater world, theatromania, theatrophobia, thick soup, thin soup, threadbare, tigella, time-honored, timeworn, tired, tomato soup, totem, toy, trade in, traditional, treasure, treasure up, treasury, treasury stock, tribe, trite, truistic, trunk, trust, turtle soup, unissued capital stock, universal, unoriginal, usual, utilities, utilize, variety, vaudeville, vegetable soup, vein, vendibles, vernacular, vichyssoise, victim, voting stock, wares, warmed-over, ways, ways and means, wealth, well-known, well-worn, wherewith, wherewithal, widespread, wild animals, wildlife, won ton soup, wonted, worn, worn out, worn thin, yield
Main Entry: |
rolling stock |
Synonyms: |
Amtrak, baggage train, cable railroad, choo-choo, cog railroad, cog railway, el, electric, electric train, elevated, express, express train, flier, freight, freight train, freighter, funicular, goods train, interurban, lightning express, limited, local, metro, milk train, monorail, parliamentary, parliamentary train, passenger train, rack-and-pinion railroad, railroad train, rattler, shuttle, shuttle train, special, streamliner, subway, train, tube, underground, way train
Main Entry: |
stock company |
Synonyms: |
Aktiengesellschaft, accident insurance, acting company, actuary, aktiebolag, annuity, assurance, aviation insurance, bail bond, body corporate, bond, business, business establishment, business life insurance, cartel, cast, cast of characters, casualty insurance, certificate of insurance, chamber of commerce, characters, chorus, circus troupe, combine, commercial enterprise, compagnie, company, concern, conglomerate, conglomerate corporation, consolidating company, consortium, copartnership, corporate body, corporation, corps de ballet, court bond, credit insurance, credit life insurance, deductible, diversified corporation, dramatis personae, endowment insurance, ensemble, enterprise, family maintenance policy, fidelity bond, fidelity insurance, firm, flood insurance, fraternal insurance, government insurance, health insurance, holding company, house, industrial life insurance, industry, insurance, insurance agent, insurance broker, insurance company, insurance man, insurance policy, interinsurance, joint-stock association, joint-stock company, liability insurance, license bond, limited payment insurance, major medical insurance, malpractice insurance, marine insurance, mutual company, ocean marine insurance, operating company, partnership, permit bond, plunderbund, policy, pool, public utility, repertory company, robbery insurance, social security, stock insurance company, supporting cast, syndicate, term insurance, theft insurance, trade association, troupe, trust, underwriter, utility
Main Entry: |
stock exchange |
Synonyms: |
American Stock Exchange, Amex, Wall Street, board, bourse, commodity exchange, corn pit, curb, curb exchange, curb market, exchange, exchange floor, outside market, over-the-counter market, pit, quotation board, stock market, stock ticker, telephone market, the Big Board, the Exchange, third market, ticker, ticker tape, wheat pit
Main Entry: |
stock market |
Synonyms: |
American Stock Exchange, Amex, Wall Street, board, bourse, commodity exchange, corn pit, curb, curb exchange, curb market, exchange, exchange floor, outside market, over-the-counter market, pit, quotation board, stock exchange, stock ticker, telephone market, the Big Board, the Exchange, third market, ticker, ticker tape, wheat pit
Main Entry: |
stock room |
Synonyms: |
archives, armory, arsenal, attic, bank, basement, bay, bin, bonded warehouse, bookcase, box, bunker, buttery, cargo dock, cellar, chest, closet, conservatory, crate, crib, cupboard, depository, depot, dock, drawer, dump, exchequer, glory hole, godown, hold, hutch, library, locker, lumber room, lumberyard, magasin, magazine, rack, repertory, repository, reservoir, rick, shelf, stack, stack room, storage, store, storehouse, storeroom, supply base, supply depot, tank, treasure house, treasure room, treasury, vat, vault, warehouse, wine cellar
Main Entry: |
stock-still |
Synonyms: |
at a standstill, at anchor, dead-still, fixed, idle, immobile, immotive, motionless, moveless, out of commission, riding at anchor, static, stationary, statuelike, still, unemployed, unmoved, unmoving
Main Entry: |
summer stock |
Synonyms: |
Broadway, burlesque, carnival, circus, drama, entertainment industry, legit, legitimate stage, off-off-Broadway, off Broadway, playland, repertory drama, show biz, show business, stage world, stagedom, stageland, stock, strawhat, strawhat circuit, the boards, the footlights, the scenes, the stage, the theater, theater world, theatromania, theatrophobia, variety, vaudeville
Main entries similar to: stock |
ability, abundance, acceptation, accepted, accommodate, accumulate, accumulation, accustomed, acquiescence, affiliation, afford, allotment, allowance, ancestry, anchor, animal kingdom, animality, appraisal, assessment, assets, assurance, average, axis, back number, backlog, banal, beginning, bewhiskered, big game, birth, bisque, bit, bite, blood, bloodline, blue chip, boards, body, bole, bouillabaisse, bouillon, branch, breed, Broadway, brood, broth, budget, burlesque, butt, byword, cane, capacity, capital, carnival, carry, cattle, certainty, chimney, chowder, chunk, chute, circumstances, circus, clan, class, clothe, collar, collection, commencement, commissary, commission, common, commonplace, community, completely, conception, confidence, consanguinity, consomme, contingent, contribute, conventional, cornucopia, corny, credence, credit, culture, cumulation, current, customary, cut, deal, dependence, deposit, derivation, descent, destiny, device, dike, direct line, distaff side, dividend, dole, donate, drama, dump, dupe, effects, end, endow, equip, equity, established, estimate, estimation, ethnic group, evaluation, everyday, extraction, fade, fair game, faith, familiar, family, fate, fauna, filiation, fill, fill up, find, flesh, flower, folk, fool, fund, funds, furnish, fusty, game, gather, gazpacho, genesis, gens, give, goat, good, goods, grass roots, gumbo, gun, habitual, hack, hackneyed, half, head, heap, helping, hoard, hope, house, household, inception, industrials, intangibles, interest, inventory, invest, jest, job lot, joke, judgment, keep, kin, kind, kindred, larder, laughingstock, legit, line, lineage, liquid assets, liquor, livestock, lode, lot, maintain, mass, material, materiel, matrix, means, means to an end, measure, meed, merchandise, mess, method, mockery, modicum, moiety, monkey, moth-eaten, much, muffler, mug, munitions, musty, nation, nationality, neckwear, nest egg, net worth, normal, normative, old hat, order, ordinary, origin, original, origination, outfit, parentage, part, paternity, pedestrian, pedicel, pedigree, people, percentage, perfunctory, phylum, piece, pile, platitudinous, plenitude, plenty, popular, portion, potage, power, predominating, premium, prepare, prescribed, prescriptive, present, prevailing, prevalent, process, proportion, prosaic, provenance, provenience, provide, provide for, provision, puree, quantum, quota, race, radical, radix, rake-off, ration, rations, ready-made, received, reception, recourse, recruit, reed, regular, regulation, reliance, repertory, replenish, reserve, reservoir, resort, resources, rick, rise, root, scarf, seed, segment, sell, sept, set, share, shoot, side, sideline, slice, society, sort, soup, source, spear, spear side, species, spindle side, spire, split, square, stack, stage, stake, stale, stalk, standard, staple, steel, stem, stereotyped, stirps, stockpile, stocks, store, strain, straw, strawhat, stuff, subsidize, substance, succession, summer stock, supplies, supply, support, sureness, surety, sword side, tangible, taproot, target, theater, threadbare, tie, time-honored, timeworn, totem, toy, traditional, treasure, treasury, tribe, trite, truck, trunk, trust, typical, universal, unoriginal, usual, utilize, variety, vaudeville, vein, vernacular, vichyssoise, victim, ware, warmed-over, way, wealth, well-known, well-worn, wherewithal, widespread, wild beast, wildlife, wonted, worn, yield