Main Entry: |
allowance |
Synonyms: |
C ration, K ration, OK, abatement, acceptance, account, acknowledgment, adjustment, admission, agio, aid, alimony, allocation, allotment, allowing, annuity, apportionment, appreciation, appropriation, approximation, assessment, assignment, assistance, authorization, avowal, bank discount, big end, bigger half, bill, bit, bite, blackmail, blood money, board, bounty, breakage, budget, bulge, cash discount, cession, chain discount, charge-off, charter, chunk, circumscription, color, commission, commons, concession, confession, consent, consideration, contingent, countenance, credit, cut, deadwood, deal, declaration, decontamination, deduction, depletion allowance, depreciation, destiny, deviation, discount, dispensation, dividend, dole, drawback, edge, emergency rations, emolument, end, equal share, exception, excuses, exemption, extenuating circumstances, extenuation, extenuative, fate, favor, fee, fellowship, field rations, financial assistance, footing, gilding, gloss, grain of salt, grant-in-aid, grant, guaranteed annual income, half, halver, handicap, head start, hedge, hedging, help, helping, hush money, imprecision, inaccuracy, inaccurateness, incorrectness, indulgence, inexactitude, inexactness, initiation fee, interest, kickback, laxity, leave, liberty, license, limitation, looseness, lot, meals, measure, meed, mental reservation, mess, mileage, mitigation, modicum, modification, moiety, negligence, odds, okay, old-age insurance, overhand, palliation, palliative, part, patent, payment, pecuniary aid, penalty, penalty clause, pension, percentage, permission, permission to enter, permit, permitting, piece, pin money, pocket money, portion, predictable error, premium, price-cut, price reduction, price support, probable error, profession, proportion, public assistance, public welfare, qualification, quantum, quota, rake-off, ration, rations, rebate, rebatement, reckoning, recognition, recompense, reduction, refund, reimbursement, release, relief, remittance, remuneration, reservation, restriction, retainer, retaining fee, retirement benefits, rollback, salvage, salvo, sanction, sanctioning, scholarship, scot, segment, setoff, share, short commons, slice, small share, softening, special case, special permission, special treatment, specialness, specification, stake, standard deviation, start, stipend, stock, subsidization, subsidy, subvention, sufferance, suffering, support, tare, tax benefit, ticket, ticket of admission, time discount, tolerance, tolerating, toleration, trade discount, tret, tribute, tucker, uncorrectness, underselling, unfactualness, unpreciseness, unrigorousness, vantage, varnish, vouchsafement, waiver, welfare, welfare aid, welfare payments, whitewash, whitewashing, write-off
Main Entry: |
depletion allowance |
Synonyms: |
aid, alimony, allotment, allowance, annuity, assistance, bounty, dole, fellowship, financial assistance, grant-in-aid, grant, guaranteed annual income, help, old-age insurance, pecuniary aid, pension, price support, public assistance, public welfare, relief, retirement benefits, scholarship, stipend, subsidization, subsidy, subvention, support, tax benefit, welfare, welfare aid, welfare payments
Main Entry: |
make allowance for |
Synonyms: |
admit, admit exceptions, allow, allow for, bear with, blink at, color, concede, condone, connive at, consider, consider the circumstances, consider the source, diminish, discount, disregard, ease, endure, extenuate, gloss over, grant, ignore, leave unavenged, lessen, let it go, lift temporarily, make allowances for, mince, mitigate, overlook, palliate, pass over, pocket the affront, provide for, regard with indulgence, relax, relax the condition, set aside, slur over, soft-pedal, soften, take, take account of, take into account, take into consideration, varnish, waive, whitewash, wink at
Main entries similar to: allowance |
abatement, acceptance, account, acknowledgment, admission, advantage, agio, aid, alimony, allotment, annuity, appreciation, appropriateness, approximation, assessment, assistance, authorization, avowal, bill, bit, bite, blackmail, blood money, board, bounty, breakage, budget, bulge, cession, charter, chunk, circumscription, clearance, color, commission, commons, complement, concession, confession, consent, contingent, cut, deadwood, deal, declaration, decontamination, deduction, depletion allowance, depreciation, destiny, deviation, discount, dispensation, dividend, dole, donation, draw, drawback, edge, end, endowment, exception, exemption, fate, fee, fellowship, footing, forgiveness, gloss, go ahead, grant, green light, guaranteed annual income, half, handicap, head start, hedge, hedging, help, helping, hush money, inaccuracy, indulgence, interest, kickback, laxity, leave, liberty, license, limitation, loan, looseness, lot, maintenance, margin, meal, measure, meed, mess, mileage, mitigation, modicum, modification, moiety, negligence, odds, OK, palliative, pardon, part, passage, patent, penalty, pension, percentage, permission, permit, piece, portion, premium, present, price cut, price support, privilege, profession, profit, proportion, public assistance, qualification, quantum, quota, rake-off, ration, rations, rebate, reckoning, recognition, reduction, refund, release, relief, remittance, reservation, restriction, retainer, rollback, room, salvage, salvo, sanction, scholarship, scot, segment, setoff, share, slice, softening, special case, special treatment, specification, stake, standard deviation, start, stipend, stock, subsidy, subvention, sufferance, support, tare, ticket, tolerance, tribute, tucker, vantage, varnish, waiver, welfare, whitewash, whitewashing, write off