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Main Entry: penalty
abatement, acquittal, agio, allowance, amercement, bank discount, breakage, burden, burthen, cargo, cash discount, castigation, chain discount, charge-off, charge, chastening, chastisement, concession, condemnation, condign punishment, correction, cross, cumbrance, cut, deadweight, decision, deduction, depreciation, deserts, difficulty, disadvantage, disciplinary measures, discipline, discount, drawback, embarrassment, encumbrance, ferule, fine, forfeit, freight, hamper, handicap, impediment, impedimenta, imposition, imprisonment, incarceration, inconvenience, infliction, judgment, judicial punishment, kickback, landmark decision, load, lumber, mulct, nemesis, onus, pack, pains, pains and punishments, pay, payment, penal retribution, penalty clause, penance, penology, percentage, premium, price-cut, price, price reduction, punishment, punition, rebate, rebatement, reduction, refund, retribution, retributive justice, rollback, salvage, scourge, sentence, setoff, tare, time discount, trade discount, tret, trouble, underselling, verdict, weight, well-deserved punishment, what-for, white elephant, write-off

Main entries similar to: penalty
abatement, acquittal, agio, allowance, breakage, burden, cargo, charge, compensation, concession, condemnation, correction, cross, cut, deadweight, decision, deduction, depreciation, deserts, difficulty, disadvantage, discipline, drawback, embarrassment, encumbrance, fine, forfeit, freight, hamper, handicap, impediment, impedimenta, imposition, inconvenience, infliction, judgment, kickback, load, lumber, mulct, nemesis, onus, pack, pain, pay, payment, penance, penology, percentage, premium, price, price cut, punishment, rebate, reduction, refund, retribution, rollback, salvage, sanction, scourge, sentence, setoff, tare, toll, trouble, verdict, weight, what for, white elephant, write off