Main Entry: |
interest |
Synonyms: |
absolute interest, absorb, absorption, accent, accrued dividends, accumulated dividends, acquisitiveness, activities, activity, advantage, advocacy, aegis, affair, affairs, affect, affect the interest, agacerie, allotment, allowance, allure, allurement, amusement, animate, answer to, appeal, appertain to, applicability, application, apply to, appositeness, appurtenance, arouse, attention, attentiveness, attract, attraction, attractiveness, auspices, authority, autism, avail, avocation, aye, backing, bag, bait, bank rate, be attractive, bear on, bear upon, bearing, beckon, beguilement, beguiling, behalf, behoof, belong to, benefit, benison, bewitchery, bewitchment, bias, big end, bigger half, birthright, bit, bite, blandishment, blessing, boon, breakaway group, bribe, bring, budget, business, cajolery, camp, campaign, capital gains, captivate, captivation, capture, care, careerism, carrot, carry, cash dividend, catch, catch up in, cathexis, caucus, cause, championship, charisma, charity, charm, charmingness, chunk, claim, cleanup, clear profit, come-hither, commerce, commission, commitment, common, compensatory interest, compound interest, con, concern, concernment, conjugal right, connect, connection, consequence, consequentiality, consideration, contingent, contingent interest, convenience, correspond to, countenance, crusade, cumulative dividend, curiosity, curious mind, curiousness, cut, deal, deal with, decide, demand, destiny, determine, discount rate, discrimination, dispose, diversion, dividend, dividends, divine right, division, doing, dole, drag, draw, draw in, drive, droit, due, earnings, easement, ego trip, egotism, embarrass, emphasis, employ, employment, enchantment, encouragement, end, engage, engagement, engross, engrossment, enlist, enmesh, entangle, enterprise, entertainment, enthrallment, enthusiasm, enticement, entrapment, equal share, equitable interest, equity, estate, ethnic group, excellence, excite, excite interest, excitement, exorbitant interest, extra dividend, faction, faculty, faith, fascinate, fascination, fate, favor, favoritism, fetch, fillip, filthy lucre, fire, flirtation, forbidden fruit, fosterage, function, gain, gains, germaneness, get, get to do, gettings, ghoulishness, glamour, gleanings, good, goodwill, graspingness, great cause, greed, gross, gross interest, gross profit, guidance, half, halver, have connection with, helping, high order, high rank, hoard, hobby, hold, holding, implicate, import, importance, inalienable right, incentive, incite, incitement, inclination, incline, income, individualism, induce, inducement, inequality, infect, influence, inquiring mind, inquisitiveness, inside track, interest group, interest in, interest rate, interestedness, interests, interim dividend, intrigue, inveiglement, investment, invitation, invite, involve, involve in, involvement, issue, itch for knowledge, job, killing, kindle, labor, lead, leaning, liaise with, lifework, limitation, link with, lively interest, lookout, lot, lucrative interest, lucre, lure, magnetism, makings, mark, mass movement, materiality, matter, matter of interest, measure, meddlesomeness, meed, melon, mental acquisitiveness, merit, mess, minority group, modicum, moiety, moment, morbid curiosity, mortgage points, move, movement, narcissism, natural right, nay, neat profit, nepotism, net, net interest, net profit, no, nosiness, note, notice, occupation, officiousness, offshoot, one-sidedness, optional dividend, paper profits, paramountcy, part, parti pris, partiality, participation, partisanism, partisanship, party, passion, pastime, patronage, payment, pelf, penal interest, percentage, perk, perks, perquisite, personal aims, personal ambition, personal desires, personalism, persuade, persuasive, pertain to, pertinence, phony dividend, pickings, piece, pique, plaque, plum, point, political party, portion, possessiveness, power, precedence, preeminence, preference, preferential treatment, premium, prerogative, prescription, pressure group, presumptive right, pretense, pretension, prevail upon, price, price of money, primacy, principle, priority, privatism, pro, proceeding, proceeds, procure, profit, profits, prompt, proper claim, property, property right, proportion, prosperity, provocation, provoke, prurience, prurient interest, prying, pull, pursuit, quantum, quicken, quota, rake-off, rate, rate of interest, ration, reason for being, receipts, refer to, reference, regard, regular dividend, relate to, relatedness, relaxation, relevance, remoteness, respect, return, returns, reward, right, right of entry, scopophilia, scrutiny, seconding, sect, seducement, seduction, seductiveness, segment, self-absorption, self-admiration, self-advancement, self-centeredness, self-consideration, self-containment, self-devotion, self-esteem, self-importance, self-indulgence, self-interest, self-interestedness, self-jealousy, self-occupation, self-pleasing, self-seeking, self-serving, self-solicitude, self-sufficiency, selfishness, selfism, service, settlement, sex appeal, share, side, significance, silent majority, simple interest, slice, small share, snare, snaring, special dividend, special favor, special interest, splinter, splinter group, sponsorship, stake, stimulate, stimulation, stimulative, stimulus, stock, stock dividend, store, stress, strict settlement, suck into, suction, summon, superiority, supremacy, sway, sweetener, sweetening, sympathy, take-in, take, talk into, tangle, tantalization, tantalize, tease, tempt, temptation, the affirmative, the negative, thing, thirst for knowledge, tickle, tie in with, titillate, title, touch, touch upon, transaction, treat of, trust, tutelage, undertaking, undetachment, undispassionateness, unneutrality, use, usury, value, vested interest, vested right, vocal minority, voyeurism, wealth, weight, welfare, well-being, whet, whet the appetite, wing, winning ways, winnings, winsomeness, witchery, wooing, work, world of good, worth
Main Entry: |
human interest |
Synonyms: |
blood and thunder, demonstrativeness, emotional appeal, emotionalism, emotionality, emotionalization, emotionalizing, emotiveness, emotivity, histrionics, love interest, making scenes, melodrama, melodramatics, nonrationalness, sensationalism, theatricality, theatrics, unreasoningness, visceralness, yellow journalism
Main Entry: |
self-interest |
Synonyms: |
acquisitiveness, autism, careerism, ego, ego trip, egocentricity, egocentrism, egoism, egoisticalness, egotism, egotisticalness, graspingness, greed, individualism, interest, narcissism, personal aims, personal ambition, personal desires, personalism, possessiveness, privatism, remoteness, self-absorption, self-admiration, self-advancement, self-centeredness, self-centerment, self-consideration, self-containment, self-devotion, self-esteem, self-indulgence, self-interestedness, self-jealousy, self-occupation, self-pleasing, self-seeking, self-serving, self-solicitude, self-sufficiency, selfishness, selfism
Main Entry: |
vested interest |
Synonyms: |
Black Power, Italian vote, Jewish vote, Polish Power, White Power, absolute interest, appurtenance, authority, benefit, birthright, black vote, claim, common, conjugal right, contingent interest, demand, divine right, droit, due, easement, equitable interest, equity, estate, faculty, farm interests, financial interests, holding, inalienable right, interest, interest group, labor interests, limitation, natural right, part, percentage, power, prerogative, prescription, pressure group, presumptive right, pretense, pretension, proper claim, property right, right, right of entry, settlement, special-interest group, special interests, stake, strict settlement, title, trust, use, vested interests, vested right
Main entries similar to: interest |
absorb, accent, account, activity, advantage, advocacy, aegis, affair, affairs, affect, affection, affirmative, allotment, allowance, amuse, answer, appeal, appertain to, application, appurtenance, associate, attract, attraction, auspices, authority, autism, avail, aye, backing, bag, bait, bear upon, bearing, beckon, behalf, behoof, belong, benefit, bias, birthright, bit, bite, blandishment, blessing, boon, bribe, budget, business, camp, campaign, care, caucus, cause, championship, charisma, charity, charm, chunk, claim, commerce, commission, commitment, common, con, concern, connect, connection, consequence, consideration, contingent, convenience, correspond, countenance, crusade, curiosity, cut, deal, deal with, demand, destiny, discount rate, discrimination, distract, divert, dividend, divine right, division, doing, dole, drag, draw in, drive, droit, due, earnest, earnings, easement, ego trip, egotism, embarrass, emphasis, employ, employment, enchantment, encouragement, end, engage, enmesh, entangle, enterprise, enthusiasm, enticement, entrapment, equity, estate, ethnic group, excite, faction, faculty, faith, fascinate, fascination, fate, favor, favoritism, fetch, field, fillip, flirtation, forbidden fruit, fosterage, function, gain, gains, get, glamour, gleaning, good, goodwill, greed, gross, guidance, half, heed, helping, hoard, holding, implicate, import, incentive, incitement, inclination, income, individualism, inducement, inequality, inquiring mind, inside track, intrigue, inveiglement, invitation, invite, involve, involvement, issue, job, killing, labor, leaning, lifework, limitation, lookout, lot, lucre, lure, magnetism, makings, mark, materiality, matter, measure, meed, merit, mess, minority group, modicum, moiety, moment, movement, narcissism, natural right, nay, negative, nepotism, net, no, note, occupation, occupy, offshoot, paper profits, paramountcy, part, partiality, partisanism, party, passion, patronage, payment, pelf, percentage, perks, perquisite, persuasive, pertain to, pertinence, pickings, piece, pique, please, plum, point, political party, portion, power, precedence, preeminence, preference, premium, prerogative, prescription, pressure group, pretense, pretension, price, primacy, principle, priority, pro, proceeding, proceeds, profit, proportion, prosperity, provoke, prurience, pull, pursuit, quantum, quota, rake-off, rate, ration, receipts, refer, refer to, reference, regard, relate, relevance, respect, return, returns, revenue, reward, right, sect, seduction, segment, self-absorption, self-admiration, self-esteem, self-importance, self-indulgence, self-interest, self-seeking, self-serving, service, settlement, sex appeal, share, side, significance, silent majority, slice, spice, splinter, splinter group, sponsorship, stake, stimulate, stimulation, stimulus, stock, store, stress, suck in, suction, summon, superiority, supremacy, sweetener, sweetening, sympathy, take, tangle, tantalize, tease, tempt, temptation, thing, tickle, tie in, titillate, title, touch, touch upon, transaction, trust, tutelage, undertaking, use, usury, value, vested interest, voyeurism, wealth, weight, welfare, well-being, whet, wing, winnings, witchery, wooing, work, worth, zest