Main Entry: |
value |
Synonyms: |
Munsell chroma, accent, accord respect to, account, admire, adore, advantage, advantageousness, affective meaning, agreeableness, apotheosize, appraisal, appraise, appreciate, apprize, arrangement, ascribe importance to, assay, assess, assessment, atmosphere, auspiciousness, avail, balance, barometer, bearing, behalf, behoof, beneficialness, benefit, benevolence, benignity, brightness, brushwork, calculate, caliber, calibrate, caliper, call, canon, care for, charge, check, check a parameter, cherish, chroma, chromatic color, chromaticity, class, cock, cogency, color, color quality, colorimetric quality, coloring, composition, compute, concern, concernment, connotation, consequence, consequentiality, consideration, convenience, conversion factor, cool color, cost, criterion, dead band, dearness, defer to, degree, deify, denotation, desert, design, dial, divide, draftsmanship, drift, effect, emphasis, entertain respect for, essence, esteem, estimate, evaluate, exalt, excellence, expedience, expense, extension, extraordinary worth, face, face value, fair-trade, fairness, fathom, favor, favorableness, figure, fineness, first-rateness, force, form an estimate, gate, gauge, gist, give an appreciation, goodliness, goodness, grace, graduate, graduated scale, grammatical meaning, great price, great value, grouping, guess, healthiness, helpfulness, hero-worship, high order, high rank, hold in esteem, hold in reverence, honor, hue, hydrant, idea, idolize, impact, implication, import, importance, intension, interest, invaluableness, kindness, lexical meaning, lightness, line, literal meaning, look up to, make an estimation, make much of, mark, market value, materiality, meaning, measure, mensurate, merit, mete, meter, model, moment, net worth, neutral color, niceness, norm, note, overtone, pace, painterliness, par value, parameter, paramountcy, pattern, pennyworth, percentage, perspective, pertinence, petcock, pith, pleasantness, plumb, point, practical consequence, precedence, preciousness, preeminence, price, pricelessness, primacy, priority, prize, probe, profit, profitableness, proportional band, purity, purport, quality, quantify, quantity, quantize, quote a price, range of meaning, rank, rate, rate highly, reading, readout, real meaning, reckon, reference, referent, regard, relation, relevance, respect, revere, reverence, rewardingness, rule, saturation, scale, scope, self-importance, semantic cluster, semantic field, sense, service, set at, set point, set store by, shading, shadow, significance, signification, significatum, signifie, size, size up, skillfulness, sound, soundness, span, span of meaning, spigot, spirit, standard, stature, step, stopcock, stress, structural meaning, substance, sum, sum and substance, superiority, supremacy, survey, symbolic meaning, take a reading, tap, target values, technique, tenor, test, think highly of, think much of, think well of, tint, tone, totality of associations, touchstone, transferred meaning, treasure, treatment, triangulate, type, unadorned meaning, undertone, unworthy, use, usefulness, validity, valorize, valuableness, valuate, valuation, value received, values, valve, venerate, virtue, virtuousness, warm color, weigh, weight, wholeness, worship, worth, yardstick
Main Entry: |
book value |
Synonyms: |
asking price, bearish prices, bid price, bullish prices, call price, closing price, decline, face value, fixed price, flash price, flurry, flutter, high, issue par, issue price, low, market price, market value, nominal value, offering price, opening price, par, par value, parity, price, put price, quotation, quoted price, rally, settling price, stated value, swings
Main Entry: |
face value |
Synonyms: |
account, asking price, bearish prices, bid price, book value, bullish prices, call price, closing price, conversion factor, decline, face, fixed price, flash price, flurry, flutter, high, issue par, issue price, low, market price, market value, net worth, nominal value, offering price, opening price, par, par value, parity, pennyworth, price, put price, quotation, quoted price, rally, rate, settling price, stated value, swings, value, value received, worth
Main Entry: |
market value |
Synonyms: |
account, asking price, bearish prices, bid price, book value, bullish prices, call price, closing price, conversion factor, decline, face, face value, fixed price, flash price, flurry, flutter, high, issue par, issue price, low, market price, net worth, nominal value, offering price, opening price, par, par value, parity, pennyworth, price, put price, quotation, quoted price, rally, rate, settling price, stated value, swings, value, value received, worth
Main Entry: |
nuisance value |
Synonyms: |
arrest, arrestation, arrestment, blockage, blocking, check, clogging, closing up, closure, constriction, cramp, delay, detainment, detention, fixation, foot-dragging, hampering, hindering, hindrance, holdback, holdup, impediment, inhibition, interference, interruption, let, negativism, obstruction, obstructionism, occlusion, opposition, repression, resistance, restraint, restriction, retardation, retardment, setback, squeeze, stranglehold, stricture, suppression
Main Entry: |
par value |
Synonyms: |
account, asking price, bearish prices, bid price, book value, bullish prices, call price, closing price, conversion factor, decline, face, face value, fixed price, flash price, flurry, flutter, high, issue par, issue price, low, market price, market value, net worth, nominal value, offering price, opening price, par, parity, pennyworth, price, put price, quotation, quoted price, rally, rate, settling price, stated value, swings, value, value received, worth
Main entries similar to: value |
accent, account, admire, adore, advantage, appraise, appreciate, assay, assess, avail, barometer, bearing, behalf, behoof, benefit, benevolence, benignity, brightness, calculate, caliber, calibrate, call, canon, check, cherish, class, cogency, coloring, compute, concern, connotation, consequence, consideration, convenience, criterion, criticize, defer to, degree, deify, denomination, desert, dial, distinction, divide, drift, effect, emphasis, essence, esteem, estimate, evaluate, excellence, expedience, extension, face, face value, fair trade, fairness, fathom, favor, figure, force, gauge, gist, good, grace, graduate, guess, healthiness, hero worship, honor, hue, idea, idolize, impact, implication, import, importance, interest, judge, kindness, lightness, literal meaning, look up to, love, mark, market value, materiality, meaning, measure, merit, mete, meter, model, moment, net worth, norm, note, overtone, pace, par value, parameter, paramountcy, pattern, percentage, pertinence, pith, pleasantness, plumb, point, precedence, preeminence, premium, price, primacy, priority, prize, probe, profit, purity, purport, quality, quantify, quantity, quotation, rank, rate, reading, readout, reckon, reference, referent, regard, relation, relevance, respect, revere, reverence, rule, saturation, savor, scale, scope, self-importance, sense, service, significance, signification, size, size up, sound, soundness, span, spirit, standard, stature, step, store, stress, substance, sum, superiority, supremacy, survey, tenor, test, think, tint, tone, touchstone, treasure, treasury, triangulate, type, undertone, use, usefulness, validity, valuate, venerate, virtue, weigh, weight, wholeness, worship, worth, yardstick