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Displaying 1 match and 0 supplemental result for rare 0.554 sec.

Main Entry: rare
a cut above, above, admirable, adulterated, ahead, airy, almost unheard-of, another, ascendant, at a premium, attenuate, attenuated, atypical, beguiling, better, bewildering, boyish, breakaway, capping, celebrated, cheeseparing, chinchy, chintzy, choice, chosen, collectable, conspicuous, crude, cut, dainty, delicate, diaphanous, dilute, diluted, distinguished, eclipsing, elegant, else, eminent, enigmatic, esteemed, estimable, ethereal, exceeding, excellent, excelling, exceptional, exiguous, exquisite, extraordinary, fabulous, fallen, fantastic, fascinating, few, fine-drawn, fine, finer, finespun, first-class, first-rate, flimsy, frail, gaseous, gauzy, girlish, good, gossamer, gracile, greater, higher, in ascendancy, in short supply, in the ascendant, incomparable, incomprehensible, inconceivable, incredible, infrequent, insubstantial, lacy, light, limited, major, marked, marvelous, matchless, meager, memorable, miraculous, miserly, misty, niggardly, noble, not done, not that sort, not the same, not the type, notable, noteworthy, occasional, of a sort, of another sort, of choice, of mark, of sorts, offbeat, one up on, other, other than, otherwise, out of print, out of season, out of stock, outlandish, outstanding, over, papery, passing strange, peculiar, peerless, phenomenal, piddling, poor, prestigious, prodigious, prominent, puzzling, rarefied, raw, recherche, red, remarkable, rememberable, reputable, rivaling, saignant, salient, scant, scanty, scarce, scattered, scrimping, scrimpy, seldom, seldom met with, seldom seen, select, sensational, signal, singular, skimping, skimpy, slender, slenderish, slight-made, slight, slim, slimmish, slinky, slow, small, sodden, sparse, special, sporadic, spotty, sprinkled, stingy, strange, striking, stupendous, subtile, subtle, sui generis, super, superior, superlative, surpassing, svelte, sylphlike, telling, tenuous, thin-bodied, thin-set, thin-spun, thin, thinned-out, thinned, thinnish, threadlike, tight, topping, transcendent, transcendental, transcending, unbaked, unboiled, uncommon, uncompact, uncompressed, uncooked, uncustomary, undercooked, underdone, undreamed-of, unexpected, unfamiliar, unforgettable, unfrequent, unheard-of, unimaginable, unique, unordinary, unparalleled, unprecedented, unsubstantial, unthinkable, unthought-of, unusual, unwonted, upper, vague, vaporous, wasp-waisted, watered-down, watered, watery, weak, willowy, windy, wiredrawn, wispy, wonderful, wondrous

Main entries similar to: rare
above, admirable, adulterated, ahead, airy, another, ascendant, attenuate, attenuated, beautiful, beguiling, better, bewildering, boyish, breakaway, capping, celebrated, cheeseparing, chintzy, choice, chosen, conspicuous, crude, cut, dainty, deficient, delectable, delicate, delicious, deluxe, diaphanous, different, diluted, distinguished, elect, elegant, else, eminent, enigmatic, esteemed, estimable, ethereal, excellent, exceptional, exiguous, exquisite, extraordinary, fabulous, fallen, fantastic, fantastical, fascinating, few, fine, fine-drawn, finer, finespun, flimsy, frail, freak, gaseous, gauzy, girlish, gossamer, gracile, greater, higher, in short supply, incomprehensible, inconceivable, incredible, infrequent, insubstantial, intangible, lacy, light, lovely, luscious, major, marked, marvelous, meager, memorable, miraculous, miserly, misty, nice, niggardly, noble, not done, not to be had, notable, noteworthy, occasional, offbeat, ordinary, other, otherwise, out of season, out of the ordinary, out of this world, out-of-the-way, outlandish, outstanding, over, papery, peculiar, phenomenal, piddling, poor, precious, premium, prestigious, prodigious, prominent, puzzling, rarefied, raving, raw, recherche, red, remarkable, rememberable, reputable, rivaling, salient, scant, scanty, scarce, scattered, scrimping, seldom, select, sensational, short, sight, signal, singular, skimping, skimpy, slender, slight, slim, slinky, slow, small, sodden, sparse, special, sporadic, spotty, sprinkled, stingy, strange, striking, stupendous, subtile, subtle, sui generis, super, superior, supernatural, surpassing, svelte, sylphlike, telling, tenuous, thin, thinned, threadlike, tight, topping, transcendent, transcendental, transcending, unaccustomed, uncommon, uncustomary, undreamed-of, unexpected, unfamiliar, unforgettable, unheard-of, unimaginable, unique, unordinary, unparalleled, unprecedented, unsubstantial, unthinkable, unthought-of, unusual, unwonted, upper, vague, vaporous, wasp-waisted, watered-down, watery, weak, willowy, windy, wiredrawn, wispy, wonderful, wondrous