Main Entry: |
superior |
Synonyms: |
A per se, a cut above, above, above par, absolute, ace, ahead, appalling, arrogant, ascendant, astonishing, authoritarian, authoritative, authorized, autocratic, better, big-league, big-name, big-time, big, bigwig, bigwigged, boss, brass hat, capital, capping, cavalier, champion, chief, choice, chosen, classier, clothed with authority, commander, commanding, competent, condescending, consequential, considerable, conspicuous, controlling, crack, dainty, dandy, dean, delicate, disdainful, distinguished, dominant, domineering, double-barreled, doyen, doyenne, duly constituted, earthshaking, eclipsing, egregious, elder, elegant, elevated, elitist, eminent, empowered, estimable, ex officio, exceeding, excellent, excelling, exceptional, exquisite, extraordinary, fabulous, famous, fantastic, fine, finer, first-class, first-rate, first-string, formidable, fugleman, genius, governing, grand, great, greater, haughty, head, heavyweight, hegemonic, hegemonistic, high-and-mighty, high-class, high-faluting, high-flown, high-grade, high-headed, high-nosed, high-powered, high-quality, high-test, high priest, higher-up, higher, highest, hoity-toity, imperative, important, important person, in ascendancy, in the ascendant, incredible, influential, insolent, kingfish, kingpin, laureate, leader, leading, loftier, lofty, major, marked, marvelous, master, matchless, material, mighty, miraculous, momentous, monocratic, name, nonpareil, notable, noteworthy, noticeable, numinous, of choice, of mark, official, one up on, outstanding, over, overbearing, overlying, paragon, patronizing, peerless, personage, potent, powerful, preeminent, preferable, preferred, premium, prestigious, preternatural, primary, prime, principal, prodigy, prominent, proud, puissant, purse-proud, ranking, rare, recherche, remarkable, rivaling, ruler, ruling, select, self-important, senior, signal, significant, star, sterling, striking, stuck-up, substantial, super, supercilious, superhuman, superincumbent, superlative, superman, supermundane, superstar, supervisor, supramundane, supranatural, supreme, surpassing, the greatest, the most, tonier, top dog, toplofty, topping, totalitarian, transcendent, transcendental, transcending, uncommon, unearthly, unusual, upmost, upper, uppermost, uppish, uppity, upstage, virtuoso, weighty, wonderful, world-shaking, worthy
Main Entry: |
mother superior |
Synonyms: |
abbess, canoness, chatelaine, clergywoman, conventual, dame, dowager, first lady, goodwife, governess, great lady, homemaker, housewife, lady superior, madam, matriarch, matron, mistress, novice, nun, postulant, prioress, religieuse, secular canoness, sister, superioress, the reverend mother
Main entries similar to: superior |
above, absolute, ace, admirable, ahead, alone, appalling, arrogant, ascendant, astonishing, authoritarian, authoritative, authorized, autocratic, beautiful, best, better, big, big name, big time, big-league, blase, boss, bully, capital, capping, cavalier, champion, chief, choice, chosen, classic, classical, commander, commanding, competent, complete, condescending, consequential, considerable, conspicuous, controlling, crack, dainty, dandy, dean, delicate, desirable, disdain, disdainful, distinguished, divine, dominant, domineering, doyen, duly constituted, earthshaking, egregious, elder, elegant, eminent, empowered, ex officio, exalted, excellent, exceptional, exemplary, expert, exquisite, extraordinary, fabulous, famous, fancy, fantastic, fantastical, fine, finer, first string, first-rate, foremost, formidable, fugleman, genius, gifted, glorious, good, governing, grand, great, greater, haughty, head, heavyweight, high, high-flown, high-powered, higher, higher-up, highest, highfalutin, hoity-toity, huffy, imperative, imperial, important, important person, incomparable, incredible, influential, insolent, laureate, leader, leading, lofty, lordly, magnificent, majestic, major, major-league, marked, marvelous, master, masterful, material, metaphysical, mighty, miraculous, momentous, monocratic, most, name, nice, nonpareil, notable, noteworthy, noticeable, number one, numinous, official, outstanding, over, overbearing, overseer, paragon, patronizing, peerless, personage, polished, potent, powerful, practised, predominant, preeminent, prestigious, preternatural, prime, principal, prize, prodigy, prominent, proud, puissant, quality, ranking, rare, recherche, remarkable, rivaling, royal, ruler, ruling, scornful, select, self-important, self-righteous, senior, sensational, signal, significant, singular, snobbish, splendid, star, sterling, striking, stuck-up, stunning, substantial, super, superb, supercilious, superhuman, superlative, supernatural, superstar, supervisor, supreme, surpassing, swingeing, terrific, top, top dog, top-notch, toplofty, topping, totalitarian, towering, transcendent, transcendental, transcending, uncommon, unearthly, unparalleled, upmost, upper, uppermost, uppity, upstage, vintage, virtuoso, weighty, wonderful, world-shaking