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Displaying 1 match and 3 supplemental results for fancy 0.814 sec.

Main Entry: fancy
Amor, Babylonian, Byzantine, Christian love, Corinthian, Daedalian, Eros, Platonic love, a bit much, abandoned, account as, adept, admiration, adoration, adorned, adroit, affection, affinity, agape, aim at, ambitious, animus, apparition, appetence, appetency, appetite, apprehension, approve, apt, arabesque, ardency, ardor, artistic, assume, attachment, attraction, authoritative, automatic response, awe-inspiring, awful, bag, barbaric, baroque, be afraid, be desirous of, be fond of, be partial to, bee, befrilled, believe, bent, bias, blind impulse, bodily love, boundless, boutade, brain wave, brainchild, brainstorm, bravura, brilliant, brotherly love, bubble, burn with love, busy, capriccio, caprice, capricious, care for, caritas, charity, chichi, chimera, choice, choose, chosen kind, classy, clean, clever, coin, colored, command, complex, complicated, conation, conatus, conceit, conceive, concept, conception, conceptualize, conclude, concoct, concupiscence, conjecture, conjugal love, conjure up, consider, contrariness, coordinated, costly, crack, crackerjack, crank, crave, craving, craze, crazy idea, create, creation, creativeness, creativity, crotchet, cunning, cup of tea, curiosity, cute, cutthroat, daedal, daresay, daydream, dear-bought, dear, decision, decorated, decorative, deem, deft, delirium, delusion, delusive, deluxe, desiderate, desideration, desire, determination, devotion, dexterous, dextrous, diplomatic, discretion, disposition, divine, dote on, dote upon, dream, dream up, drive, druthers, eagerness, egregious, eidolon, elaborate, elegant, embellished, embroidered, endorse, enormous, envisage, envisagement, envision, envisioning, esteem, estimate, exacting, exaggerated, excellent, excessive, exorbitant, expect, expensive, experience imaginatively, expert, extortionate, extravagant, extreme, fable, fabricate, fabrication, fabulous, fad, faithful love, fanciful, fantasize, fantasque, fantastic, fantastic notion, fantasticism, fantasy, fascination, favor, feel, fervor, festooned, fiction, fictionalize, figment, figurative, figured, fine, flamboyant, flame, flash, fleeting impulse, flight of fancy, flimflam, florid, flossy, flowery, fondness, fool notion, freak, freakish inspiration, free-lovism, free choice, free love, free will, frilly, fumes of fancy, fussy, gather, gigantic, gingerbread, glorious, gluttonous, go for, good, goodish, gouging, graceful, grand, grandiose, grant, grossly overpriced, guess, gut response, hallucination, handy, hankering, harebrained idea, hatch, have a hunch, have an idea, have an impression, have an inkling, have designs on, have eyes for, have it bad, have the idea, heart, hero worship, high-class, high-flown, high-flying, high-priced, high-toned, high-wrought, high, highfalutin, highfaluting, hold, hold as, hope, horme, humor, hunger for, hyperbolic, hypertrophied, idea, ideate, idle fancy, idolatry, idolism, idolization, illusion, illusory, image, imagery, imagination, imaginativeness, imagine, imagining, imago, immoderate, imposing, impression, impressive, impulse, inclination, incontinent, infer, inflated, inflationary, ingenious, inordinate, inspiration, instinct, insubstantial image, intellectual curiosity, intellectual object, intemperate, intention, intricate, invent, invention, inventiveness, involuntary impulse, irrationality, judge, kink, labored, lasciviousness, leaning, let, let be, libido, like, liking, lofty, long for, longing, look upon as, love, lovemaking, lush, lust, lust after, lust for learning, luxuriant, luxurious, luxury, maggot, magisterial, magnificent, maintain, majestic, make-believe, make up, married love, masterful, masterly, megrim, memory-trace, mental image, mental impression, mind, mirage, mold, monstrous, moresque, mutual affinity, mutual attraction, myth, natural impulse, neat, need, nightmare, no mean, noble, not affordable, notion, objectification, objective, observation, of great cost, opine, opinion, originate, ornamental, ornamented, ornate, ostentatious, out of bounds, out of sight, outrageous, overbig, overcharged, overdeveloped, overelaborate, overelegant, overgreat, overgrown, overlabored, overlarge, overloaded, overmuch, overpriced, overweening, overworked, overwrought, palatial, partiality, particular choice, passing fancy, passion, peculiarity, penchant, perception, personal choice, perverseness, phantasm, phantom, physical love, picture, picturesque, pine for, pleasure, pleasure principle, plush, politic, popular regard, popularity, posh, predilection, predisposition, prefer, preference, prefigure, prejudice, premium, prepossession, preposterous, presume, presuppose, presurmise, pretentious, pretty-pretty, pricey, prime, princely, proclivity, produce, professional, proficient, prohibitive, propensity, proud, provisionally accept, purple, quality, quick, quick hunch, quirk, quite some, ready, recept, reckon, reflection, reflex, regard, representation, repute, resolution, resourceful, rich, ritzy, rococo, romance, sanction, say, select, sentiment, set down as, sex, sexual desire, sexual love, shape, shine, sick fancy, skillful, skyrocketing, slick, some, special, spiraling, spiritual love, splendacious, splendid, splendiferous, stately, statesmanlike, steep, stiff, style, stylish, sudden thought, sumptuous, superb, superfancy, superfine, superior, suppose, supposition, surmise, suspect, swank, swanky, swell, sympathy, tactful, take, take for, take for granted, take it, take to, take to be, taste, tendency, tender feeling, tender passion, the compleat, the complete, theory, thick-coming fancies, thing, think, think up, thirst for knowledge, thought, tony, too much, top, toy, trip, trow, truelove, turn, type, unbridled, unconscionable, understand, undue, unpayable, unrealistic, unreality, unreasonable, unreasonableness, unrestrained, unwarranted, urge, usurious, uxoriousness, vagary, vapor, vaunting, velleity, view as, virtuoso, vision, visionary, visualize, volition, want, wanting, weakness, ween, well-done, whim-wham, whim, whimsical, whimsy, wildest dreams, will, will and pleasure, will power, wish, wish for, wish fulfillment, wish to goodness, wish very much, workmanlike, worship, would fain do, yearning

Main Entry: flight of fancy
autism, autistic thinking, conceit, dereism, dereistic thinking, dreamery, fancy, fantasticism, fantasy, fumes of fancy, ideal, idealism, ideality, idealization, imagination, imaginative exercise, imaginativeness, imagining, impracticality, play of fancy, quixotism, quixotry, romance, romanticism, unpracticalness, unrealism, unreality, utopianism, visionariness, wish-fulfillment fantasy, wish fulfillment, wishful thinking
Main Entry: footloose and fancy-free
afoot and lighthearted, at large, at liberty, circumforaneous, clear, detached, discursive, disengaged, divagatory, drifting, easygoing, emancipated, errant, flitting, floating, footloose, free, free and easy, free as air, freeborn, freed, fugitive, gadding, go-as-you-please, gypsy-like, gypsyish, in the clear, landloping, liberated, loose, meandering, migrational, migratory, nomad, nomadic, on the loose, rambling, ranging, released, roaming, roving, scot-free, shifting, straggling, straying, strolling, traipsing, transient, transitory, transmigratory, unattached, uncommitted, unengaged, uninvolved, vagabond, vagrant, wandering
Main Entry: passing fancy
boutade, brainstorm, calf love, capriccio, caprice, case, conceit, crank, craze, crazy idea, crotchet, crush, fad, fancy, fantastic notion, fantasy, flimflam, fool notion, freak, freakish inspiration, harebrained idea, humor, infatuation, kink, maggot, mash, megrim, notion, pash, puppy love, quirk, toy, vagary, whim-wham, whim, whimsy

Main entries similar to: fancy
abandoned, accept, adept, admiration, adoration, adore, adorned, adroit, affection, affinity, agape, aim at, ambition, ambitious, animus, apparition, appetite, apprehension, apt, ardor, artistic, assume, attachment, authoritative, awe-inspiring, awful, Babylonian, bag, baroque, bee, befrilled, believe, bent, bias, blind impulse, boundless, brain wave, brainchild, brainstorm, bravura, brilliant, brotherly love, bubble, busy, caprice, care, care for, charity, chichi, chimera, choice, choose, classy, clean, clever, coin, colored, command, complicated, conceit, conceive, concept, conception, conceptualize, conclude, concoct, concupiscence, conjecture, consider, coordinated, crack, crank, craze, crazy idea, create, crotchet, cunning, curiosity, cute, cutthroat, daedal, daresay, dear, decision, decorated, decorative, deduce, deem, deft, delirium, delusion, deluxe, desire, determination, device, devotion, dexterous, dextrous, diplomatic, discretion, disposition, divine, dote, dream, dream up, drive, druthers, eagerness, egregious, eidolon, elaborate, elegant, embellished, embroidered, enjoin, enjoy, enormous, envisage, envision, Eros, esteem, estimate, exacting, exaggerated, excellent, excessive, exorbitant, expect, expensive, expert, extortionate, extravagant, extreme, fabricate, fabulous, fad, fantasize, fantasy, fascination, favor, feel, fervor, festooned, fiction, fictionalize, figment, figment of the imagination, figurative, figured, fine, flamboyant, flame, flash, flight of fancy, flimflam, florid, flossy, flowery, fondness, fool notion, freak, free choice, free love, free will, frilly, fussy, gather, gigantic, glorious, gluttonous, go, go for, good, gouge, graceful, grand, grandiose, grant, guess, hallucination, handy, hanker, hatch, have a mind to, heart, hero worship, high, high-flown, high-flying, highfalutin, hold, hope, humor, idea, ideal, idolatry, idolization, illusion, image, imagery, imagination, imagine, immoderate, imposing, impression, impressive, inclination, incontinent, infer, inflationary, ingenious, inordinate, inspiration, instinct, intemperate, intention, intricate, invent, invention, judge, kink, labored, leaning, let, let be, libido, like, liking, lofty, long, longing, love, lovemaking, lush, lust, lust after, luxuriant, luxurious, maggot, magisterial, magnificent, maintain, majestic, make, make believe, mania, masterful, mind, mold, monstrous, mutual attraction, myth, neat, need, noble, notion, objective, observation, opine, opinion, originate, ornate, ostentatious, out of bounds, out of sight, out of this world, outrageous, overdeveloped, overelaborate, overgrown, overlarge, overloaded, overmuch, overpriced, overweening, overworked, overwrought, palatial, pander, partiality, passing fancy, passion, penchant, perception, phantasm, phantom, picture, picturesque, Platonic love, pleasure, pleasure principle, plush, politic, popularity, posh, prank, predilection, predisposition, prefer, preference, prefigure, prejudice, premium, prepossession, preposterous, presume, presuppose, pretentious, pricey, princely, proclivity, produce, professional, proficient, prohibitive, propensity, proud, purple, quick, quirk, rage, ready, realize, reckon, reflection, reflex, regard, relish, representation, repute, resolution, resourceful, rich, ritzy, rococo, romance, say, sentiment, sex, sexual desire, shape, shine, showy, skillful, skyrocketing, slick, some, spiraling, splendid, splendiferous, stately, statesmanlike, steep, stiff, stretch of the imagination, style, stylish, sudden thought, sumptuous, superb, superfine, suppose, supposition, surmise, suspect, swank, swanky, swell, sympathy, tactful, take, take for, take for granted, take it, take to, taste, tendency, theory, thing, think, think up, thirst, thought, tony, too much, top, toy, trip, turn, type, unbridled, unconscionable, understand, undue, unpayable, unreasonable, unrestrained, unwarranted, urge, usurious, vagary, vapor, virtuoso, vision, visualize, volition, want, way, weakness, well-done, whim, whim-wham, whimsy, wildest dream, will, will power, wish fulfillment, workmanlike, worship, yearn, yearning