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Displaying 1 match and 11 supplemental results for top 1.063 sec.

Main Entry: top
Establishment, VIP, acmatic, acme, acme of perfection, agate, all, apex, apical, apogee, ball, baron, baseball bat, bat, battledore, bauble, beat, best, bestraddle, bestride, better, big gun, big man, big name, big top, bigwig, blocks, bonnet, border, brass, brass hat, brow, bureaucracy, canvas, cap, capital, carousel, ceil, ceiling, celebrity, checkerboard, chessboard, chief, choice, circumference, clear, climax, clip, cloud nine, club, cockhorse, coif, command, consummate, consummation, cork, cortex, costly, cover, covering, cream, crest, cricket bat, crop, crown, crust, cue, culmen, culminate, culmination, curtail, cusp, dear-bought, dear, dignitary, dignity, directorate, disk, dock, doll, doll carriage, dome, dominate, eaves, edge, elder, elite, end, envelope, epidermis, exceed, excel, expensive, exterior, external, extreme, extreme limit, extremity, facade, face, facet, fancy, fat, father, figure, fine, first-class, first-rate, first-string, flower, fringe, front, frost, gewgaw, gimcrack, go one better, golf club, great man, greatest, hat, head, headmost, heaven, heavens, height, hierarchy, high-priced, high, high noon, higher-ups, higher echelons, highest, highest degree, highest pitch, highest point, hobbyhorse, hood, housetop, ice, important person, improve on, integument, interests, jack-in-the-box, jacks, jackstones, jackstraws, kickshaw, knickknack, lantern, last word, lid, limit, lineaments, lion, look down upon, lords of creation, luxurious, magnate, man of mark, management, marble, marionette, maximal, maximum, meridian, meridional, merry-go-round, mig, ministry, mogul, most, mountaintop, nabob, name, ne plus ultra, no place higher, noon, not affordable, notability, notable, nth degree, of great cost, officialdom, operculum, outdo, outer face, outer layer, outer side, outer skin, outline, outshine, outside, outstrip, outtop, outweigh, overarch, overbalance, overbear, overcome, overhead, overlook, overmost, overpass, overshadow, overtop, panjandrum, paper doll, paramount, peak, penthouse, perfect, perfection, periphery, person of renown, personage, personality, pick-up sticks, pick, pillar of society, pink, pink of perfection, pinnacle, pinwheel, pitch, plafond, plaything, point, pole, pollard, power, power elite, predominate, preeminent, prelacy, premium, preponderate, prevail, pricey, pride, prime, prize, prune, puppet, racket, rag doll, rich, ridge, ridgepole, rind, rise above, rocking horse, roller, rolling stone, roof-deck, roof, roof garden, roof in, roofage, roofing, roofpole, rooftop, rooftree, rotator, rotor, round top, roundabout, ruling circle, ruling class, ruling classes, rundle, sachem, seventh heaven, shell, shingles, shorten, skin, sky, skylight, slates, somebody, something, spire, sport, steelie, steep, stiff, stopper, summit, summital, sumptuous, superficies, superior, superlative, superstratum, supreme, surface, surmount, surpass, taw, teetotum, tent, tentage, the Establishment, the administration, the authorities, the great, the ingroup, the interests, the people upstairs, the power elite, the power structure, the top, the whole, them, they, tiles, tip-top, tip, top-notch, top brass, top off, top people, topmost, tower above, tower over, toy, toy soldier, transcend, trim, trinket, trump, truncate, tycoon, ultimate, unpayable, upmost, upper extremity, uppermost, utmost, utmost extent, uttermost, vertex, vertical, very important person, very top, wheel, whim-wham, whirlabout, whirler, whirligig, whitetop, worthy, zenith, zenithal

Main Entry: big top
burlesque show, carnival, circus, coochie show, fantoccini, floor show, galanty show, girly show, hootchy-kootchy show, leg show, light show, magic show, ombres chinoises, peep show, puppet show, raree-show, rep show, repertory show, rodeo, shadow show, sideshow, the big top, variety show, vaudeville show
Main Entry: tip-top
acmatic, acme, apex, apical, apogee, best, brow, cap, capital, chief, climax, cloud nine, consummate, crest, crown, culmen, culmination, edge, extreme limit, extremity, first-chop, first-class, first-rate, greatest, head, headmost, heaven, heavens, height, high noon, highest, highest pitch, highest point, limit, maximal, maximum, meridian, meridional, most, mountaintop, ne plus ultra, no place higher, noon, overmost, paramount, peak, pinnacle, pitch, point, pole, preeminent, ridge, seventh heaven, sky, spire, summit, summital, superlative, supreme, tip, top-drawer, top-hole, top-notch, top, topflight, topmost, topping, tops, ultimate, upmost, upper extremity, uppermost, utmost, vertex, vertical, very top, zenith, zenithal
Main Entry: top brass
ADC, CO, Establishment, OD, VIP, aide-de-camp, aide, baron, big gun, big man, big name, bigwig, board, board of directors, board of regents, board of trustees, brass, brass hat, brigadier, brigadier general, bureaucracy, cabinet, cadre, captain, celebrity, chicken colonel, chief of staff, colonel, commandant, commander, commander in chief, commanding officer, commissioned officer, company officer, council, dignitary, dignity, directorate, directory, elder, exec, executive arm, executive committee, executive hierarchy, executive officer, father, field marshal, field officer, figure, first lieutenant, five-star general, four-star general, general, general officer, generalissimo, governing board, governing body, great man, hierarchy, higher-ups, higher echelons, important person, infrastructure, interests, interlocking directorate, jemadar, junior officer, lieutenant, lieutenant colonel, lieutenant general, lion, lords of creation, magnate, major, major general, man of mark, management, marechal, marshal, ministry, mogul, nabob, name, notability, notable, officer, officialdom, one-star general, orderly officer, panjandrum, person of renown, personage, personality, pillar of society, power, power elite, prelacy, risaldar, ruling circle, ruling class, ruling classes, sachem, senior officer, shavetail, sirdar, somebody, something, staff officer, steering committee, subahdar, subaltern, sublieutenant, the Establishment, the Old Man, the administration, the authorities, the brass, the executive, the great, the ingroup, the interests, the people upstairs, the power elite, the power structure, the top, them, they, three-star general, top people, two-star general, tycoon, very important person, worthy
Main Entry: top dog
A per se, ace, boss, champ, champion, chief, commander, conquering hero, conqueror, conquistador, dean, defeater, doyen, doyenne, easy winner, electronics king, fugleman, genius, head, hero, high priest, higher-up, honcho, important person, king, kingfish, kingpin, laureate, lead, leader, leading light, luminary, master, master spirit, nonpareil, pancratiast, paragon, paramount, personage, prima donna, principal, prodigy, ruler, runner-up, senior, shoo-in, star, subduer, subjugator, superior, superman, superstar, sure winner, the greatest, the most, triumpher, vanquisher, victor, virtuoso, winner
Main Entry: top off
accomplish, brim, bring to completion, bring to fruition, bunker, button up, cap, carry to completion, cater, charge, chock, clean up, climax, close out, close up, coal, complete, conclude, congest, consummate, cram, crest, crowd, crown, culminate, detonate, eke out, end, explode, feed, fill, fill in, fill out, fill to overflowing, fill up, finalize, finish, finish off, finish up, forage, freight, frost, fuel, fuel up, fulfill, fulminate, gas, gas up, get done, get it over, get through, get through with, head, ice, jam-pack, jam, lade, load, make good, make up, mature, mop up, oil, outtop, overarch, overfill, overtop, pack, pad, peak, perfect, piece out, provender, provision, purvey, ram in, refill, refuel, replenish, round out, satiate, saturate, sell, stoke, stuff, supercharge, surfeit, surmount, terminate, tip, top, top out, victual, wad, weight, wind up, wrap up
Main Entry: top priority
antecedence, antecedency, anteposition, anteriority, dominion, front position, precedence, precedency, preceding, precession, precursor, preference, prefixation, prelude, priority, prothesis, superiority, the lead, urgency
Main Entry: top sergeant
NCO, acting corporal, acting sergeant, centurion, chief warrant officer, color sergeant, corporal, first sergeant, havildar, lance corporal, lance sergeant, master sergeant, mess sergeant, naik, noncom, noncommissioned officer, platoon sergeant, sarge, sergeant, sergeant first class, sergeant major, staff sergeant, technical sergeant, topkick, warrant officer
Main Entry: top shape
eupepsia, fine fettle, fine shape, fine whack, glowing health, good condition, good constitution, good digestion, good health, good shape, good trim, healthfulness, healthiness, healthy body, healthy constitution, high feather, mint condition, picture of health, robust health, rude health, rugged health, soundness, wholesomeness
Main Entry: top-heavy
adipose, beefy, big-bellied, bloated, blowzy, bosomy, brawny, burly, buxom, canted, chubby, chunky, corpulent, distended, dumpy, fat, fattish, fleshy, full, gross, heavyset, heeling, hefty, hippy, ill-balanced, imposing, leaning, listing, lopsided, lusty, meaty, obese, off-balance, overbalanced, overweight, paunchy, plump, podgy, portly, potbellied, pudgy, puffy, pursy, roly-poly, rotund, square, squat, squatty, stalwart, stocky, stout, strapping, swollen, thick-bodied, thickset, tubby, unbalanced, unstable, unsteady, well-fed
Main Entry: top-notch
best, capital, fine, first-chop, first-class, first-rate, first-string, greatest, highest, maximal, maximum, most, prime, superior, superlative, supreme, tip-top, top-drawer, top-hole, top, topflight, topmost, topping, tops, uppermost, utmost
Main Entry: top-secret
arcane, cabalistic, censored, classified, close, closed, concealed, cryptic, dark, enigmatic, esoteric, hermetic, hidden, hush-hush, latent, mysterious, occult, restricted, secret, smothered, stifled, suppressed, ulterior, unbreatheable, under security, under wraps, undisclosable, undisclosed, undivulgable, undivulged, unrevealable, unrevealed, unspoken, untellable, untold, unutterable, unuttered, unwhisperable

Main entries similar to: top
accelerator, acme, all, apex, apogee, ascend, auto, automobile, ball, bat, battledore, bauble, beat, best, bestraddle, bestride, better, big, block, border, boss, brow, bunkum, canvas, cap, capital, carousel, ceil, ceiling, checkerboard, chief, choice, circumference, classic, classical, clear, clerestory, climactic, climax, cloud nine, club, coif, command, consummate, consummation, cork, cortex, cover, covering, cream, crest, crop, crown, crust, cue, culminate, culmination, dear, disk, doll, dollhouse, dome, dominate, eaves, eclipse, edge, elite, end, envelope, epidermis, equal, exceed, excel, excellent, expensive, exterior, external, extreme, extremity, facade, face, facet, famous, fancy, fat, first string, first-class, first-rate, flower, fringe, front, frost, full, generator, gewgaw, gimcrack, go one better, great, greatest, gyroscope, hat, head, headmost, heaven, height, high, high noon, highest, hobbyhorse, hood, housetop, ice, improve, integument, jacks, kickshaw, knickknack, lantern, last word, lid, limit, lineaments, look down upon, luxurious, major, marble, marionette, maximal, maximum, meridian, merry-go-round, most, mountaintop, muffler, ne plus ultra, noon, nth degree, outdo, outline, outshine, outside, outstrip, outweigh, overcome, overhead, overlook, overpass, overshadow, paramount, parts, pass, peak, penthouse, perfect, perfection, periphery, pick, pink, pinnacle, pinwheel, pitch, plaything, point, pole, predominate, preeminent, premier, premium, preponderate, prevail, pricey, prime, primrose, prize, puppet, racket, responsible, rich, ridge, rind, rise above, rocking horse, roller, rolling stone, roof, roofing, rooftop, rotator, rotor, roundabout, royal, rundle, select, seventh heaven, shell, shingle, shirt, skin, sky, skylight, spire, sport, star, steep, stiff, stopper, stunning, successful, summit, sumptuous, superlative, supreme, surface, surmount, surpass, swingeing, tent, tip, tip-top, top off, top-notch, topmost, topside, tower above, toy, transcend, trinket, trump, truncate, ultimate, unpayable, upmost, uppermost, utmost, vertex, vertical, victor, wheel, whim-wham, whirligig, zenith