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Displaying 1 match and 4 supplemental results for shock 0.378 sec.

Main Entry: shock
AC arc, Poulsen arc, abscess, accident, ache, aching, agitate, ague, amplify, anaphylactic shock, anemia, ankylosis, anoxia, aperiodic discharge, apnea, appall, appulse, arc, arc column, arc discharge, asphyxiation, asthma, astonish, astound, ataxia, atrophy, awe, backache, bank, batch, battle fatigue, bleeding, blennorhea, blow, bob, bobble, bombshell, bounce, bowl down, bowl over, breakdown, brunt, brush discharge, bulldozing, bulling, bump, bunch, cachexia, cachexy, calamity, cannon, carambole, carom, casualty, cataclysm, catalepsy, catastrophe, charge, chatter, chill, chills, clash, clump, cluster, cock, colic, collapse, collision, coma, combat fatigue, concussion, constipation, contretemps, convulsion, copse, coughing, crack-up, cramp, crash, crop, crump, crunch, cut, cyanosis, daze, diarrhea, didder, disaster, discharge, discombobulate, discompose, disconcert, disgust, disquiet, disruptive discharge, distress, disturb, dither, dizziness, dolor, dropsy, dumbfound, dysentery, dyspepsia, dyspnea, edema, electric discharge, electric shock, electric spark, electrify, electrodeless discharge, emaciation, encephalitis lethargica, encounter, energize, eye-opener, fainting, falter, fatigue, fever, fibrillation, flabbergast, fleece, floor, flurry, fluster, flutter, flux, freeze, frighten, fuss, galvanic shock, galvanize, generate, give offense, glow discharge, grief, grimace, gross out, group, grouping, groupment, grove, growth, hammering, hassock, have an ague, head, head of hair, hemorrhage, high, high blood pressure, hill, horrify, hurt, hustle, hydrops, hypertension, hypoglycemic shock, hypotension, icterus, ill hap, impact, impingement, indigestion, inflammation, injury, insomnia, insult, itching, jactitate, jar, jaundice, jerk, jig, jigget, jiggle, jog, joggle, jolt, jostle, jounce, jump, knock, knot, labored breathing, lesion, lethargy, locks, loop in, lot, low blood pressure, lumbago, mane, marasmus, mat, mauling, meeting, mental shock, mess, misadventure, mischance, misfortune, mishap, mop, mound, narcohypnosis, narcolepsy, narcoma, narcosis, narcotic stupor, narcotization, nasal discharge, nasty blow, nausea, nauseate, necrosis, nervous exhaustion, neurogenic shock, nod, numb, offend, onslaught, oscillatory discharge, outrage, pain, pang, paralysis, paralyze, passion, percussion, perturb, petrify, pileup, plug in, prostration, protein shock, pruritus, put off, pyramid, quake, quaker, quaver, quiver, ramming, rash, rattle, repel, repercussion, revelation, revolt, rheum, rick, rictus, rock, ruck, ruffle, scandalize, scare, scare stiff, scare to death, sclerosis, secondary shock, sedation, seizure, serum shock, shag, shake, shake up, shell shock, shipwreck, shiver, shocker, short-circuit, short, shudder, sicken, sideswipe, silent discharge, skin eruption, sledgehammering, sleeping sickness, slew, smash-up, smash, smashing, smashup, sneezing, sopor, sore, sore spot, spark, spark gap, spasm, stack, stagger, staggering blow, start, startle, step down, step up, stiffen, stir, stockpile, stook, stress, stress of life, strike dumb, strike terror into, stroke, stun, stupefaction, stupefy, stupor, suffering, surgical shock, surprise, switch off, switch on, swoon, tabes, tachycardia, take aback, temblor, tender spot, terrify, thanatosis, thatch, thicket, throes, throw, thrusting, thunderbolt, tic, tingle, tragedy, trance, trauma, traumatism, traumatize, tremble, tremor, tresses, trouble, tuft, tumor, turn, turn off, turn on, turn the stomach, tussock, twitch, , unsettle, upset, upset stomach, vertigo, vibrate, vomiting, wasting, whomp, wisp, wobble, wound, wound shock, wreck, wrench

Main Entry: shell shock
accident neurosis, anaphylactic shock, anxiety hysteria, anxiety neurosis, association neurosis, battle fatigue, blast neurosis, combat fatigue, compensation neurosis, compulsion neurosis, conversion hysteria, conversion neurosis, expectation neurosis, fixation neurosis, fright neurosis, homosexual neurosis, hypochondria, hypochondriasis, hypoglycemic shock, hysteria, mental shock, neurogenic shock, neurosis, neuroticism, obsessional neurosis, occupational neurosis, pathoneurosis, phobia, protein shock, psychasthenia, psychoneurosis, psychoneurotic disorder, psychopathia martialis, regression neurosis, secondary shock, serum shock, shock, situational neurosis, surgical shock, thanatosis, trauma, traumatism, war neurosis, wound shock
Main Entry: shock absorber
alleviative, alleviator, anodyne, assuager, balm, calmative, cushion, dolorifuge, lenitive, mitigator, moderator, modulator, mollifier, pacificator, pacifier, palliative, peacemaker, restraining hand, salve, sedative, soother, soothing syrup, stabilizer, temperer, tranquilizer, wiser head
Main Entry: shock tactics
aerial tactics, aggravated assault, aggression, airborne tactics, amphibious attack, applied tactics, armed assault, armored tactics, assailing, assailment, assault, attack, banzai attack, barrier tactics, blitz, blitzkrieg, breakthrough, cavalry tactics, charge, counterattack, counteroffensive, coup de main, crippling attack, dead set at, defensive strategy, descent on, diversion, diversionary attack, drive, encirclement, feint, fire tactics, flank attack, frontal attack, gas attack, head-on attack, infantry tactics, infiltration, investment, lightning attack, lightning war, mass attack, megadeath, mob tactics, mobile tactics, mugging, offense, offensive, onset, onslaught, overkill, panzer warfare, pincers movement, push, run against, run at, rush, sally, sortie, strategy, strike, tactics, unprovoked assault
Main Entry: shock therapy
Metrazol shock therapy, Metrazol therapy, X-ray therapy, actinotherapy, aerosol therapy, aerotherapeutics, aerotherapy, arsenotherapy, autoserum therapy, bacterial therapy, bacteriotherapy, bibliotherapy, biotherapy, buffer therapy, cardiotherapy, chemotherapy, chrysotherapy, climatotherapy, cold therapy, collapse therapy, constitutional therapy, contact therapy, crymotherapy, dermatotherapy, dietotherapy, dye therapy, electronarcosis, electroshock, electroshock therapy, endocrinotherapy, fever therapy, frigotherapy, galactotherapy, glandular therapy, gold therapy, hemotherapy, hyperbaric therapy, hypoglycemic shock therapy, immunization therapy, infrared therapy, insulin shock therapy, intravenous therapy, iodotherapy, maggot therapy, malariotherapy, mechanotherapy, nonspecific therapy, occupational therapy, opsonic therapy, organotherapy, oxygen therapy, pharmacotherapy, phototherapy, physical therapy, physiotherapy, protein therapy, pyretotherapy, radium therapy, ray therapy, replacement therapy, serotherapy, shock treatment, specific therapy, suggestion therapy, surgicotherapy, ultrasonic therapy, ultraviolet therapy, vaccine therapy

Main entries similar to: shock
abscess, accident, ache, aching, agitate, ague, amplify, anemia, anoxia, appall, arc, asphyxiation, asthma, astonish, astound, atrophy, awe, batch, battle fatigue, blow, bob, bobble, bolt, bombshell, bounce, bowl over, breath, brunt, bump, bunch, calamity, cannon, carom, casualty, cataclysm, catalepsy, catastrophe, charge, chatter, chill, clash, clump, cluster, cock, colic, collision, coma, combat fatigue, concussion, constipation, convulsion, copse, crack up, cramp, crash, crop, crunch, cut, cyanosis, daze, devastate, diarrhea, disaster, discharge, discombobulate, discompose, disconcert, disgust, dismay, disquiet, distress, disturb, dither, dizziness, dolor, drift, dropsy, dumbfound, dysentery, dyspepsia, earthquake, edema, electrify, encounter, energize, falter, fatigue, fever, fibrillation, flabbergast, fleece, floor, flurry, fluster, flutter, flux, freeze, fright, frighten, fuss, galvanize, generate, grief, grimace, group, grouping, grove, growth, hassock, head, heap, hemorrhage, high, hill, horrify, horror, hurt, hustle, hypertension, hypotension, icterus, impact, impingement, indigestion, inflammation, injury, insomnia, itching, jar, jaundice, jerk, jig, jiggle, jog, jolt, jostle, jounce, jump, knot, lesion, lethargy, lot, lumbago, mane, mass, mat, meeting, mess, misadventure, mischance, misfortune, mishap, mop, mound, mountain, mow, narcohypnosis, narcolepsy, narcosis, nausea, necrosis, nod, nonplus, offend, onslaught, outrage, overwhelm, pain, pang, paralysis, paralyze, passion, percussion, perturb, petrify, pile, pileup, put off, quake, quaver, quiver, rash, rattle, repel, repercussion, revolt, rheum, rick, rictus, rock, ruffle, scandalize, scare, sclerosis, sedation, seizure, shag, shake, shake up, shell shock, shipwreck, shiver, short, short circuit, shudder, sicken, sideswipe, sleeping sickness, slew, smash, smashing, smashup, sopor, sore, sore spot, spark, spasm, stagger, start, startle, step down, step up, stiffen, stir, stress, stroke, stun, stupefy, stupor, suffering, surprise, switch off, swoon, tabes, tachycardia, take, take aback, temblor, tender spot, terrify, terror, thanatosis, thatch, thicket, throes, tic, tragedy, trance, trauma, tremble, tremor, trouble, tuft, tumor, turn, turn off, turn on, twitch, , unsettle, upset, vertigo, vibrate, vomiting, wallop, wasting, whomp, wisp, wobble, wonder, wound, wreck, wrench