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Displaying 1 match and 0 supplemental result for premise 1.174 sec.

Main Entry: premise
a priori principle, affirmation, ancestor, antecedent, apriorism, argue, assert, assertion, assume, assumed position, assumption, avant-propos, axiom, basis, basis for belief, body of evidence, breakthrough, categorical proposition, chain of evidence, clue, conjecture, data, datum, documentation, evidence, exhibit, exordium, fact, facts, first principles, forerunner, foreword, foundation, front matter, frontispiece, ground, grounds, grounds for belief, guesswork, hypothecate, hypothesis, hypothesis ad hoc, hypothesize, indication, inference, innovation, introduce, introduction, item of evidence, leap, lemma, major premise, manifestation, mark, material grounds, minor premise, muniments, mute witness, overture, philosopheme, philosophical proposition, piece of evidence, posit, position, postulate, postulation, postulatum, preamble, precedent, precursor, predicate, preface, prefix, prefixture, preliminary, prelude, premises, premiss, presume, presumption, presupposal, presuppose, presupposition, proem, prolegomena, prolegomenon, prolepsis, prologize, prologue, proof, proposal, propose, proposition, propositional function, protasis, put forth, reason to believe, relevant fact, set forth, set of postulates, sign, statement, sumption, supposal, suppose, supposing, supposition, surmise, symptom, theorem, theorize, thesis, token, truth-function, truth-value, truth table, verse, voluntary, working hypothesis

Main entries similar to: premise
affirmation, ancestor, antecedent, assertion, assume, assumption, axiom, basis, breakthrough, conjecture, data, forerunner, foreword, foundation, front matter, frontispiece, ground, guesswork, hypothesis, inference, introduce, introduction, leap, overture, posit, position, postulate, preamble, precedent, precursor, preface, prefix, preliminary, prelude, presume, presumption, presuppose, presupposition, prologue, proposition, statement, supposing, supposition, surmise, theorem, theory, thesis, verse, voluntary