Main Entry: |
gravy |
Synonyms: |
Colbert, Smitane, Soubise, Trinkgeld, allemande, bonus, bonus system, bounty, bourguignonne, bribe, brown sauce, buried treasure, consideration, cream sauce, discovery, donative, double time, egg sauce, espagnole, fee, find, finding, foundling, fringe benefit, gratuity, grease, honorarium, incentive pay, inducement, lagniappe, largess, liberality, marinara, mole, overtime pay, palm oil, paprika sauce, pepper sauce, perks, perquisite, perquisites, poulette, pourboire, premium, roux, salve, shallot sauce, solatium, something extra, sportula, sweetener, tip, treasure trove, trouvaille, trove, waifs, waifs and strays, windfall, windfall money, windfall profit
Main entries similar to: gravy |
bonus, bounty, bribe, consideration, discovery, double time, fee, find, finding, foundling, gratuity, grease, honorarium, inducement, lagniappe, largess, liberality, palm oil, perks, perquisite, premium, profit, salve, sauce, sweetener, time and a half, tip, treasure trove, trove, windfall