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Displaying 1 match and 0 supplemental result for padding 0.959 sec.

Main Entry: padding
aegis, all fours, arm guard, backstop, battology, bedizenment, bonus, buffer, bulwark, bumper, bush, bushing, contraceptive, copyright, crash helmet, crawl, crawling, creep, creeping, cushion, cushioning, dashboard, decoration, dodger, doubling, doublure, duplication, duplication of effort, easing, embellishment, expletive, extra, extra added attraction, extra dash, extravagance, face mask, facing, fat, featherbedding, fender, filigree, filler, filling, fillip, finger guard, flourish, foot guard, frill, frills, frippery, fuse, gasket, gingerbread, gland, goggles, governor, guard, guardrail, gumshoeing, hand guard, handrail, hard hat, helmet, inlay, inlayer, insole, insulation, interlineation, interlock, knee guard, knuckle guard, lagniappe, laminated glass, laxation, life preserver, lifeline, lightning conductor, lightning rod, liner, lining, luxury, macrology, mask, mellowing, mollification, mollifying, mudguard, needlessness, nightwalking, nose guard, ornament, ornamentation, overadornment, overlap, packing, pad, palladium, patent, payroll padding, pilot, pleonasm, premium, preventive, prolixity, prophylactic, protective clothing, protective umbrella, prowling, pussyfooting, redundance, redundancy, relaxation, safeguard, safety, safety glass, safety plug, safety rail, safety shoes, safety switch, safety valve, scrabble, scramble, screen, seat belt, shield, shin guard, sidling, slinking, snaking, sneaking, softening-up, softening, something extra, stammering, stealing, stopping, stuffing, stuttering, sun helmet, superaddition, superfluity, superfluousness, tampon, tautologism, tautology, tippytoe, tiptoe, tiptoeing, trimming, twist, umbrella, unnecessariness, verbosity, wadding, wainscot, windscreen, windshield, worming, wrinkle

Main entries similar to: padding
aegis, backstop, bonus, buffer, bulwark, bumper, bush, bushing, contraceptive, copyright, crawl, crawling, creep, creeping, cushion, cushioning, decoration, dodger, doubling, duplication, easing, embellishment, expletive, extra, extravagance, facing, fat, featherbedding, fender, filigree, filler, filling, fillip, flourish, frill, frippery, fuse, gasket, gingerbread, gland, goggles, governor, guard, guardrail, hard hat, helmet, inlay, insulation, interlock, lagniappe, life preserver, lifeline, lightning rod, liner, lining, luxury, mask, nightwalking, ornament, overlap, packing, pad, palladium, patent, pilot, premium, preventive, prolixity, prophylactic, pussyfooting, redundancy, relaxation, safeguard, safety, safety glass, scrabble, scramble, screen, seat belt, shield, sneaking, softening, stammering, stealing, stuffing, stuttering, superfluity, tampon, tautology, tiptoe, trimming, twist, umbrella, verbosity, wadding, wainscot, windshield, wrinkle