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Displaying 1 match and 0 supplemental result for responsive 0.792 sec.
Main Entry: responsive
accessible, acquiescent, adaptable, adaptive, agreeable, alacritous, alert, alive, allergic, amenable, anaphylactic, answering, antiphonal, ardent, bendable, bending, bouncy, buoyant, communicating, communicational, communicative, communional, compassionate, compliant, confutative, consenting, content, conversational, cooperative, delicate, disposed, docile, ductile, eager, echoic, echoing, elastic, emotionable, empathetic, empathic, enthusiastic, extensible, extensile, fabricable, facile, fain, favorable, favorably disposed, favorably inclined, fictile, flexible, flexile, flexuous, formable, formative, forward, game, giving, goosy, hyperesthetic, hyperpathic, hypersensitive, impressible, impressionable, in the mind, in the mood, inclined, influenceable, interacting, interactional, interactive, intercommunicational, intercommunicative, intercommunional, interresponsive, interrogative, interrogatory, irritable, itchy, keen, kindhearted, like putty, limber, linguistic, lissome, lithe, lithesome, lively, malleable, minded, moldable, movable, nervous, open-minded, open, oral, overrefined, oversensible, oversensitive, overtender, passible, persuadable, persuasible, pervious, plastic, pliable, pliant, predisposed, prickly, prompt, prone, questioning, quick, reacting, reactionary, reactive, ready, ready and willing, receptive, reechoing, refined, reflex, reflexive, refluent, refutative, rejoining, replying, resilient, respondent, responding, retroactionary, retroactive, returning, revulsive, sensible, sensile, sensitive, sequacious, shapable, sharp, skittish, soft, softhearted, speech, springy, stretch, stretchable, stretchy, suasible, submissive, suggestible, supersensitive, supple, susceptible, susceptive, swayable, sympathetic, tactful, telepathic, tender, tenderhearted, tetchy, thin-skinned, ticklish, touchy, tractable, tractile, transmissional, verbal, warm, warmhearted, weak, well-disposed, well-inclined, whippy, wide-awake, willed, willing, willinghearted, willowy, yielding, zealous

Main entries similar to: responsive
accessible, acquiescent, adaptable, adaptive, agreeable, allergic, amenable, amiable, anaphylactic, ardent, bendable, buoyant, compassionate, compliant, consenting, content, conversational, cooperative, cordial, delicate, disposed, docile, ductile, eager, echoic, echoing, elastic, emotional, empathetic, enthusiastic, expressive, facile, fain, favorable, fervent, flexible, flexuous, fond, formative, forward, game, giving, goosy, hearty, hypersensitive, impression, impressionable, inclined, interacting, intercommunicational, interrogatory, irritable, itchy, kind, kindhearted, limber, linguistic, lissome, lithe, lively, malleable, minded, mobile, moldable, movable, nervous, open, open-minded, oral, overrefined, oversensitive, perceptive, persuadable, pervious, plastic, pliable, pliant, predisposed, prickly, prompt, prone, psychic, questioning, quick, reactionary, ready, receptive, refined, reflex, reflexive, refluent, resilient, respondent, retroactive, revulsive, sensible, sensitive, sentient, shapable, skittish, soft, softhearted, speech, springy, stretch, stretchy, submissive, suggestible, supersensitive, supple, susceptible, swayable, sympathetic, tactful, telepathic, tender, tenderhearted, tetchy, thin-skinned, ticklish, touching, touchy, tractable, verbal, warm, warmhearted, weak, well-disposed, willing, willowy, yielding, zealous