Main Entry: |
responsibility |
Synonyms: |
accountability, accountableness, accounting for, action, agency, agentship, amenability, answerability, answerableness, application, arrogation, ascription, assignation, assignment, attachment, attribution, auspices, authority, authorization, blame, bossing, brevet, burden, care, charge, chargeability, commission, commissioning, commitment, conduct, connection with, consignment, credit, culpability, cure, dedication to duty, delegated authority, delegation, dependability, deputation, derivation from, devolution, devolvement, devotion to duty, direction, driving, duteousness, dutifulness, duty, embassy, empowerment, entrusting, entrustment, errand, etiology, execution, executorship, exequatur, exercise, eye, factorship, faithworthiness, fault, full power, functioning, guilt, handling, honor, imputation, incorruptibility, incumbency, intendance, inviolability, job, jurisdiction, legation, liability, license, lieutenancy, management, mandate, manipulation, mission, obligation, occupation, office, onus, operancy, operation, oversight, palaetiology, performance, performing, placement, plenipotentiary power, power of attorney, power to act, practice, procuration, proxy, purview, reference to, regency, regentship, reliability, responsibleness, role, running, saddling, sense of duty, sense of obligation, stability, steering, superintendence, supervision, sureness, surveillance, task, trust, trustability, trusteeship, trustiness, trustworthiness, unfalseness, unperfidiousness, untreacherousness, vicarious authority, warrant, work, working, workings
Main entries similar to: responsibility |
action, affair, agency, application, arrogation, assignation, assignment, attachment, auspices, authority, authorization, blame, brevet, business, capacity, care, charge, command, commitment, concern, conduct, connection, consignment, credit, cure, debt, delegation, department, deputation, direction, driving, duty, embassy, errand, etiology, execution, exercise, eye, fault, function, functioning, guilt, handling, honor, imputation, incumbency, jurisdiction, legation, liability, license, load, lookout, management, mandate, manipulation, mission, obligation, occupation, office, oversight, part, patch, performance, performing, place, placement, power of attorney, practice, province, proxy, purview, realm, regency, reliability, role, running, steering, stint, supervision, sureness, surveillance, task, thing, trust, trusteeship, warrant, work, working, workings