Main Entry: |
high |
Synonyms: |
Dutch courage, Gymnasium, Hydromatic, Latin school, Olympian, Realgymnasium, Realschule, a bit much, a high, abandoned, above, abovestairs, academy, accented, acme, acute, aerial, afflicted, aged, aggrandized, agog, air mass, airward, airy, aloft, aloof, altitudinous, alto, alveolar, anticyclone, apex, apical, apico-alveolar, apico-dental, apotheosized, aquiver, aristocratic, arousal, aroused, articulated, ascending, asking price, aspiring, assimilated, atingle, atwitter, august, automatic transmission, awesome, back, bad-smelling, bad, barfy, barytone, beaming, bearish prices, beatified, befuddlement, bent, besottedness, beyond all bounds, bid price, big, bighearted, bilabial, blithe, blithesome, blown, boiled, boisterous, bombed, book value, boozy, boundless, brackish, bright, bright and sunny, broad, bullish prices, bursting, bursting with happiness, cacuminal, call price, canned, canonized, capital, carried away, catalepsy, central, cerebral, checked, cheerful, cheery, chief, chivalrous, close, closing price, cloying, cockeyed, cockeyed drunk, cogwheel, cold front, cold sector, colossal, coma, consequential, considerable, consonant, consonantal, continuant, costly, crocked, crocko, cyclone, dear-bought, dear, decline, dental, differential, differential gear, dissimilated, distinguished, dominating, dorsal, drugged, drunk, drunkenness, ducal, ear-splitting, ebullient, ecstatic, effervescent, egregious, elaborate, elate, elated, elevated, eminent, emotion, encephalitis lethargica, enchanted, ennobled, enormous, enraptured, enravished, enshrined, enthroned, entranced, erect, ethereal, eupeptic, euphoric, exaggerated, exalted, excellent, excessive, excessively, excited, excitedness, excitement, exhilarated, exhilaration, exorbitant, expensive, extraordinary, extravagant, extreme, exuberant, exultant, fabulous, face value, falsetto, famous, fancy, favorable, fecal, fetid, fired, fixed price, flash price, flat, flurry, flushed, flutter, foremost, foul, freaked out, freewheel, fried, front, frowsty, frowy, frowzy, fuddle, fuddled, fuddledness, fuddlement, fulsome, funky, fusty, gamy, gear, gear train, gearbox, gearing, gearshift, gearwheel, generous, genial, genteel, gentle, gentlemanlike, gentlemanly, gigantic, glad, gladsome, glide, glorified, glorious, glossal, glottal, glowing, gluttonous, godlike, grammar school, grand, grave, graveolent, great, great of heart, greathearted, guttural, half-seas over, handsome, hangover, happy, hard, haughty, heavy, height, heinous, held in awe, heroic, high-class, high-flown, high-frequency, high-headed, high-minded, high-nosed, high-pitched, high-pressure area, high-priced, high-reaching, high-set, high-sounding, high-tasted, high-toned, high-up, high and mighty, high school, high up, highfalutin, highfaluting, hilarious, hopeful, hopped up, huge, hyperbolic, hypertrophied, icky, idealistic, ill-smelling, illuminated, immoderate, immoderately, immortal, immortalized, imparadised, impassioned, important, in ecstasies, in good spirits, in heaven, in high spirits, in paradise, in raptures, in seventh heaven, in the air, in the clouds, incontinent, inebriated, inebriation, inebriety, inflamed, inordinate, inordinately, insobriety, intemperate, intemperately, intermediate, intermediate school, intonated, intoxicated, intoxication, irrepressible, isobar, isometric, isometric line, isopiestic line, isotherm, isothermal line, issue par, issue price, jubilant, junior high, junior high school, katzenjammer, keyed up, kinglike, kingly, knightly, labial, labiodental, labiovelar, ladylike, large, largehearted, lateral, lathered up, lauded, laughing, lavish, lax, leading, lethargy, liberal, lifted, light, lingual, liquid, lit, lit up, loaded, lofty, low-pressure area, low, lubricated, lushy, luxurious, maggoty, magnanimous, magnificent, magnified, majestic, malodorous, manic, manic state, market price, market value, mawkish, maximum, mephitic, merry, mezzo-soprano, miasmal, miasmic, mid, middle school, mighty, mildewed, mildewy, moldy, momentous, monophthongal, monstrous, monumental, morning after, mounting, moved, musty, muted, muzzy, narcohypnosis, narcolepsy, narcoma, narcosis, narcotic stupor, narcotization, narrow, nasal, nasalized, nasty, nauseant, nauseating, nauseous, neutral, nidorous, noble-minded, noble, nod, noisome, nominal value, not affordable, noxious, occluded front, occlusive, odorous, of gentle blood, of good cheer, of great cost, of rank, off, offensive, offering price, oiled, olid, on cloud nine, on high, on stilts, on the peak, on tiptoe, open, openhanded, opening price, optimistic, organized, out of bounds, out of sight, outrageous, outtopping, over, overbig, overdeveloped, overdrive, overgreat, overgrown, overhead, overjoyed, overjoyful, overlarge, overlooking, overmuch, overripe, overtopping, overweening, oxytone, palatal, palatalized, par, par value, parity, patrician, peak, penetrating, pharyngeal, pharyngealized, phonemic, phonetic, phonic, pickled, pie-eyed, piercing, pissed, pissy-eyed, pitch, pitched, plastered, pleasant, poisonous, polar front, polluted, possessed, posttonic, pot-valiance, pot-valor, potted, premium, prep school, preparatory school, price, pricey, princelike, princely, principal, prodigal, prodigally, prominent, public school, put price, putrid, queenlike, queenly, quite the lady, quotation, quoted price, rack, raddled, radiant, raised, rally, rampant, rancid, rank, rapt, raptured, rapturous, ravished, ready to burst, reasty, reasy, rebarbative, record, reechy, reeking, reeky, renowned, repulsive, retroflex, reverse, rhapsodic, riant, rich, ripe, rosy, rotten, rounded, roused, sainted, sanctified, sanguine, sanguineous, secondary school, sedation, seminary, semivowel, senior high, senior high school, sent, serious, settling price, sharp, shellacked, shock, shrill, shrined, sickening, skunk-drunk, skyward, sleeping sickness, smashed, smellful, smelling, smelly, smiling, soaked, soaring, soft, sonant, sopor, soprano, sottedness, sour, soured, soused, spaced out, spacy, sparkling, spiring, spoiled, squall line, squeaky, squiffy, stale, standard transmission, stated value, stationary front, steamed up, steep, stenchy, stewed, stick shift, stiff, stilted, stimulated, stimulation, stinking, stinko, stirred, stirred up, stoned, stopped, straight up, stressed, strident, strong-flavored, strong-tasting, strong, stuffy, stupor, sublime, sulfurous, sumptuous, sunny, superb, supereminent, superior, superlative, supernal, surd, swacked, swings, swoon, sybaritic, syllabic, synchromesh, tainted, tall, tanked, tenor, tense, thanatosis, thick, thrilled, throaty, throned, tight, tingling, tingly, tipsiness, tipsy, tiptoe, titled, to excess, to extremes, to the zenith, tonal, tonic, too much, top, topless, toplofty, topping, towering, towery, trance, transmission, transported, treble, turbulent, turned-on, turned, turned on, twangy, unaccented, unbridled, unconscionable, undue, unpayable, unreasonable, unrestrained, unrounded, unstressed, up, upcast, upflung, uplifted, upraised, upreared, upright, upstairs, upthrown, upward, upwards, velar, vile, violent, vocalic, vocoid, voiced, voiceless, vomity, vowel, vowellike, warm front, weak, weather map, weevily, weighty, whipped up, wide, wind-shift line, winsome, without restraint, worked up, wrought up, yeasty, yucky, zonked
Main Entry: |
high and dry |
Synonyms: |
Saharan, above water, aground, anchored, anhydrous, arid, at anchor, athirst, bone-dry, castaway, caught, chained, desert, droughty, dry, dry as dust, dusty, fast, fastened, fixed, foundered, grounded, held, impacted, in harbor, in safety, in the clear, inextricable, jammed, juiceless, like parchment, marooned, moored, on, on the rocks, out of danger, packed, past danger, sandy, sapless, set fast, shipwrecked, stranded, stuck, stuck fast, swamped, terra firma, tethered, thirsting, thirsty, tied, transfixed, undamped, under cover, unwatered, waterless, wedged, wrecked
Main Entry: |
high and mighty |
Synonyms: |
U, aggrandized, apotheosized, aristocratic, awesome, beatified, big, canonized, deified, dictatorial, elevated, elitist, eminent, ennobled, enshrined, enthroned, exalted, excellent, glorified, grand, great, held in awe, high, hubristic, immortal, immortalized, imperious, lofty, lordly, magisterial, magnified, masterful, mighty, sainted, sanctified, shrined, sublime, supereminent, throned
Main Entry: |
high camp |
Synonyms: |
Babbittry, Thalia, arlequinade, bad taste, black comedy, bourgeois taste, broad comedy, burlesque, burletta, camp, campiness, comedie bouffe, comedie larmoyante, comedie rosse, comedietta, comedy, comedy ballet, comedy of humors, comedy of ideas, comedy of intrigue, comedy of manners, comedy of situation, comedy relief, comic muse, comic opera, comic relief, dark comedy, domestic comedy, exode, farce, farce comedy, genteel comedy, harlequinade, impropriety, inappropriateness, indecency, indecorousness, indecorum, indelicacy, inelegance, inelegancy, kitsch, light comedy, low camp, low comedy, mime, musical, musical comedy, opera buffa, philistinism, poor taste, pop, pop culture, raw comedy, realistic comedy, romantic comedy, satyr play, sentimental comedy, situation comedy, slapstick, slapstick comedy, tastelessness, tragicomedy, unaestheticism, unaestheticness, unbecomingness, unfittingness, unseemliness, unsuitability, unsuitableness, vulgar taste, vulgarism, vulgarity, vulgarness
Main Entry: |
High Church |
Synonyms: |
Anglicanism, Anglo-Catholicism, Broad Church, Church of England, Established Church, Free Church, High-Churchism, Low Church, baptismal, ceremonial, ceremonious, eucharistic, formal, formular, formulary, liturgic, liturgistic, paschal, ritual, ritualistic, sacramental, sacramentarian
Main Entry: |
high horse |
Synonyms: |
Olympian detachment, Olympian loftiness, arrogance, arrogantness, assumption of superiority, condescendence, condescension, domineering, domineeringness, haughtiness, haughty airs, hauteur, hoity-toitiness, hoity-toity, loftiness, overbearing pride, overbearingness, overweening pride, patronization, patronizing, patronizing attitude, pride, proudness, purse-pride, side, stiff-necked pride, superbia, toploftiness, uppishness, uppityness
Main Entry: |
high jinks |
Synonyms: |
Mardi Gras, Saturnalia, banquet, blowout, carnival, do, fair, feast, festival, festive occasion, festivity, fete, field day, fiesta, fooling, gala, gala affair, gala day, great doings, jamboree, kermis, party, picnic, revel, revelment, roughhouse, rowdiness, skylarking, up, wassail, waygoose, wayzgoose, whoop, whoopee
Main Entry: |
high life |
Synonyms: |
FFVs, Vanity Fair, ancienne noblesse, aristocracy, baronage, baronetage, beau monde, beautiful people, best people, cafe society, carriage trade, chivalry, cream of society, drawing room, elect, elite, fashionable society, good society, haut monde, high society, in-crowd, jet set, jeunesse doree, knightage, monde, nobility, noblesse, noblesse de robe, old nobility, peerage, people of fashion, polite society, right people, royalty, salon, smart set, social register, societe, society, the Four Hundred, the classes, upper classes, upper crust, upper ten, upper ten thousand, uppercut, world of fashion
Main Entry: |
high liver |
Synonyms: |
Brillat-Savarin, Lucullus, board-and-roomer, boarder, bon vivant, cannibal, carnivore, connoisseur of food, consumer, diner-out, diner, dissipater, eater-out, eater, epicure, feeder, flesh-eater, free liver, fruitarian, gastronome, glutton, gourmand, gourmet, grain-eater, graminivore, granivore, herbivore, hungry mouth, lactovegetarian, luncher, man-eater, meat-eater, mouth, night owl, nighthawk, omnivore, omophagist, pantophagist, phytophage, picnicker, plant-eater, predacean, rounder, trencherman, vegetarian
Main Entry: |
high noon |
Synonyms: |
acme, apex, apogee, brow, cap, climax, cloud nine, crest, crown, culmen, culmination, edge, eight bells, extreme limit, extremity, heaven, heavens, height, highest pitch, highest point, limit, maximum, meridian, meridiem, midday, mountaintop, ne plus ultra, no place higher, noon, noonday, nooning, noonlight, noontide, noontime, peak, pinnacle, pitch, point, pole, ridge, seventh heaven, sky, spire, summit, tip-top, tip, top, upmost, upper extremity, uppermost, utmost, vertex, very top, zenith
Main Entry: |
high on the hog |
Synonyms: |
affluent, beyond all bounds, comfortable, comfortably situated, easy, excessively, high, immoderately, in clover, in good case, in luxury, inordinately, intemperately, on Easy Street, on velvet, prodigally, prosperous, successful, to excess, to extremes, wealthy, without restraint
Main Entry: |
high school |
Synonyms: |
Gymnasium, Latin school, Realgymnasium, Realschule, academy, grammar school, high, intermediate school, junior high, junior high school, middle school, prep school, preparatory school, public school, secondary school, seminary, senior high, senior high school
Main Entry: |
high seas |
Synonyms: |
big drink, blue water, drink, high sea, hydrosphere, main, main sea, ocean, ocean depths, ocean main, ocean sea, salt sea, salt water, sea, thalassa, the bounding main, the brine, the briny, the briny deep, the deep, the deep sea, the seven seas, the vasty deep, tide
Main Entry: |
high sign |
Synonyms: |
Roman candle, SOS, aid to navigation, alarm, amber light, balefire, beacon, beacon fire, bell, bell buoy, blinker, blue peter, buoy, caution light, danger sign, early symptom, falling barometer, flare, fog bell, fog signal, fog whistle, foghorn, gathering clouds, glance, go light, gong buoy, green light, heliograph, international alphabet flag, international numeral pennant, kick, leer, marker beacon, nod, nudge, office, omen, parachute flare, pilot flag, poke, police whistle, precursor, preliminary sign, premonitory sign, premonitory symptom, prodroma, prodrome, quarantine flag, radio beacon, red flag, red light, rocket, sailing aid, semaphore, semaphore flag, semaphore telegraph, sign, signal, signal beacon, signal bell, signal fire, signal flag, signal gong, signal gun, signal lamp, signal light, signal mast, signal post, signal rocket, signal shot, signal siren, signal tower, skull and crossbones, spar buoy, stop light, storm petrel, stormy petrel, symptom, the nod, the wink, thundercloud, thunderhead, tip-off, tip, touch, traffic light, traffic signal, warning, warning sign, warning signal, watch fire, white flag, wigwag, wigwag flag, wink, yellow flag, yellow jack
Main Entry: |
high society |
Synonyms: |
FFVs, Vanity Fair, ancienne noblesse, aristocracy, baronage, baronetage, beau monde, beautiful people, best people, cafe-society, cafe society, carriage trade, chivalry, cream of society, drawing room, elect, elite, fashionable society, good society, haut monde, high life, in-crowd, in society, jet-set, jet set, jeunesse doree, knightage, lace-curtain, monde, nobility, noblesse, noblesse de robe, old nobility, peerage, people of fashion, polite society, right people, royalty, salon, silk-stocking, smart set, social register, socially prominent, societe, society, the Four Hundred, the classes, upper classes, upper crust, upper ten, upper ten thousand, uppercut, world of fashion
Main Entry: |
high spirits |
Synonyms: |
beatification, beatitude, bewitchment, blessedness, bliss, blissfulness, cheer, cheerfulness, cloud nine, delectation, delight, devilishness, devilment, devilry, deviltry, ecstasy, ecstatics, elation, elfishness, enchantment, exaltation, exhilaration, exuberance, felicity, foolishness, gaiety, gladness, glee, good humor, good spirits, happiness, heaven, impishness, intoxication, joy, joyance, joyfulness, mischief, mischievousness, overhappiness, overjoyfulness, paradise, playfulness, prankishness, pranksomeness, puckishness, rapture, rare good humor, ravishment, roguery, roguishness, scampishness, seventh heaven, sportiveness, sunshine, transport, unalloyed happiness, waggery, waggishness, youthful spirits
Main Entry: |
high tide |
Synonyms: |
amplitude, congestion, direct tide, ebb, ebb and flow, ebb tide, flood, flood tide, flow, flux, flux and reflux, full, full tide, fullness, high water, impletion, low tide, low water, lunar tide, neap, neap tide, opposite tide, overfullness, plenitude, plethora, refluence, reflux, repletion, rip, riptide, satiety, saturation, saturation point, solar tide, spring tide, surfeit, thalassometer, tidal amplitude, tidal current, tidal current chart, tidal flow, tidal range, tide, tide chart, tide gate, tide gauge, tide race, tide rip, tidewater, tideway
Main Entry: |
high time |
Synonyms: |
action, ball, belatedness, big time, due season, eleventh hour, favorable opportunity, fun, fun and games, funmaking, game, golden opportunity, good chance, good opportunity, good time, great fun, high old time, last minute, late hour, lateness, laughs, lovely time, picnic, play, pleasant time, proper time, small hours, sport, suitable time, tardiness, unpreparedness, unpunctuality, unreadiness, untimeliness, well-chosen moment, well-timed opportunity
Main Entry: |
high-flown |
Synonyms: |
Gongoresque, Johnsonian, absurd, affected, aggrandized, ambitious, amplified, arrogant, ballyhooed, bedizened, beyond belief, big-sounding, big, bizarre, bombastic, classy, cockamamie, condescending, convoluted, crazy, declamatory, disproportionate, domineering, elevated, euphuistic, exaggerated, excessive, exorbitant, extravagant, extreme, fancy, fantastic, flamboyant, flaming, flashy, flaunting, flossy, foolish, fulsome, garish, gassy, gaudy, grandiloquent, grandiose, grandisonant, grotesque, haughty, high-faluting, high-flowing, high-flying, high-headed, high-minded, high-nosed, high-sounding, high-swelling, high-toned, high, highfalutin, highfaluting, hoity-toity, hyperbolic, incredible, inflated, inkhorn, inordinate, labyrinthine, laughable, lexiphanic, lofty, ludicrous, lurid, magnified, magniloquent, meretricious, monstrous, nonsensical, orotund, ostentatious, outrageous, outre, overbearing, overdone, overdrawn, overelaborate, overemphasized, overemphatic, overestimated, overgreat, overinvolved, overlarge, overpraised, oversold, overstated, overstressed, overwrought, patronizing, pedantic, pompous, poppycockish, preposterous, pretentious, prodigal, profuse, proud, puffed, purse-proud, rhetorical, ridiculous, sensational, sensationalistic, sententious, showy, sonorous, stilted, stretched, stuck-up, superior, superlative, swollen, tall, tony, toplofty, tortuous, touted, uppish, uppity, upstage, vaunting, weird, wild, windy
Main Entry: |
high-flying |
Synonyms: |
Gongoresque, Johnsonian, affected, ambitious, aspiring, bedizened, big-sounding, careerist, careeristic, classy, convoluted, declamatory, elevated, euphuistic, fancy, flamboyant, flaming, flashy, flaunting, flossy, fulsome, garish, gaudy, grandiloquent, grandiose, grandisonant, high-flowing, high-flown, high-reaching, high-sounding, high-toned, highfalutin, highfaluting, inkhorn, labyrinthine, lexiphanic, lofty, lurid, magniloquent, meretricious, on the make, orotund, ostentatious, overdone, overelaborate, overinvolved, overwrought, pedantic, pompous, power-hungry, pretentious, rhetorical, sensational, sensationalistic, sententious, showy, sky-aspiring, social-climbing, sonorous, stilted, tall, tony, tortuous, vaunting
Main Entry: |
high-handed |
Synonyms: |
absolute, absolutist, absolutistic, arbitrary, aristocratic, arrogant, authoritarian, authoritative, autocratic, bossy, despotic, dictatorial, domineering, feudal, grinding, imperative, imperial, imperious, lordly, magisterial, magistral, masterful, monocratic, oppressive, overbearing, overruling, peremptory, repressive, severe, strict, suppressive, tyrannical, tyrannous
Main Entry: |
high-minded |
Synonyms: |
Christian, big, bighearted, blameless, chivalrous, clean, creditable, decent, elevated, erect, estimable, ethical, exalted, fair, full of integrity, generous, good, great, great of heart, greathearted, handsome, heroic, high-flown, high-headed, high-nosed, high-principled, high-toned, high, highfalutin, highfaluting, highly respectable, honest, honorable, idealistic, immaculate, inviolate, irreproachable, just, knightly, largehearted, law-abiding, law-loving, law-revering, liberal, lofty, magnanimous, manly, moral, noble-minded, noble, openhanded, princely, principled, pure, reputable, respectable, right-minded, right, righteous, spotless, stainless, sterling, sublime, true-dealing, true-devoted, true-disposing, true-souled, true-spirited, truehearted, unblemished, uncorrupt, uncorrupted, undefiled, unimpeachable, unspotted, unstained, unsullied, untarnished, upright, uprighteous, upstanding, virtuous, worthy, yeomanly
Main Entry: |
high-pitched |
Synonyms: |
Olympian, aerial, airy, altitudinous, alto, ascending, aspiring, colossal, dominating, elevated, eminent, ethereal, exalted, falsetto, haughty, high-reaching, high-set, high-sounding, high-toned, high-up, high, lofty, mezzo-soprano, monumental, mounting, outtopping, overlooking, overtopping, prominent, soaring, soprano, spiring, steep, sublime, superlative, supernal, tenor, topless, toplofty, topping, towering, towery, treble, uplifted, upreared
Main Entry: |
high-powered |
Synonyms: |
armipotent, authoritative, big-league, big-name, big-time, big, bigwig, bigwigged, cogent, consequential, considerable, double-barreled, dynamic, earthshaking, effective, energetic, forceful, forcible, grand, great, heavyweight, high-potency, high-pressure, high-tension, important, in force, in power, irresistible, major, material, mighty, mighty in battle, momentous, name, operative, potent, powerful, prepotent, puissant, ruling, self-important, significant, striking, strong, substantial, superior, telling, valid, vigorous, vital, world-shaking
Main Entry: |
high-principled |
Synonyms: |
Christian, blameless, clean, creditable, decent, erect, estimable, ethical, fair, full of integrity, good, high-minded, highly respectable, honest, honorable, immaculate, inviolate, irreproachable, just, law-abiding, law-loving, law-revering, manly, moral, noble, principled, pure, reputable, respectable, right-minded, right, righteous, spotless, stainless, sterling, true-dealing, true-devoted, true-disposing, true-souled, true-spirited, truehearted, unblemished, uncorrupt, uncorrupted, undefiled, unimpeachable, unspotted, unstained, unsullied, untarnished, upright, uprighteous, upstanding, virtuous, worthy, yeomanly
Main Entry: |
high-sounding |
Synonyms: |
Gongoresque, Johnsonian, affected, alto, bedizened, big-sounding, convoluted, declamatory, elevated, euphuistic, falsetto, flamboyant, flaming, flashy, flaunting, fulsome, garish, gaudy, grandiloquent, grandiose, grandisonant, high-flowing, high-flown, high-flying, high-pitched, high-toned, high, highfalutin, inkhorn, labyrinthine, lexiphanic, lofty, lurid, magniloquent, meretricious, mezzo-soprano, orotund, ostentatious, overdone, overelaborate, overinvolved, overwrought, pedantic, pompous, pretentious, rhetorical, sensational, sensationalistic, sententious, showy, sonorous, soprano, stilted, tall, tenor, tortuous, treble
Main Entry: |
high-spirited |
Synonyms: |
agitable, arch, beany, brash, devilish, ebullient, edgy, effervescent, elfish, elvish, emotional, emotionally unstable, eruptive, excitable, explosive, fiery, foolish, full of mischief, high-mettled, high-strung, highly emotional, impish, inflammable, irascible, irritable, jolly, knavish, lighthearted, merry, mettlesome, mirthful, mischief-loving, mischievous, nervous, peppery, perturbable, playful, prankish, pranksome, pranky, prickly, puckish, roguish, scampish, scapegrace, sensitive, skittish, sportive, spunky, startlish, touchy, trickish, tricksy, vivacious, volcanic, waggish
Main Entry: |
high-strung |
Synonyms: |
agitable, all nerves, apprehensive, edgy, emotional, emotionally unstable, eruptive, excitable, explosive, fearful, fidgety, frightened, goosey, high-mettled, high-spirited, highly emotional, hypersensitive, inflammable, irascible, irritable, jittery, jumpy, mettlesome, miffy, nerves on edge, nervous, nervy, on edge, oversensitive, overstrung, panicky, perturbable, prickly, sensitive, skittish, spooky, startlish, taut, temperamental, tetchy, thin-skinned, ticklish, tight, touchy, twittery, uneasy, unrelaxed, unrestful, uptight, volcanic
Main Entry: |
high-test |
Synonyms: |
avgas, crude, crude oil, ethyl, ethyl gas, fossil oil, gas, gasoline, high-octane gas, kerosene, lead-free gas, low-lead gas, motor oil, paraffin, petrol, petroleum, premium gas, regular, rock oil
Main Entry: |
high-water mark |
Synonyms: |
Plimsoll line, Plimsoll mark, border line, bound, boundary, boundary condition, boundary line, bourn, break boundary, breakoff point, ceiling, circumscription, compass, confine, cutoff, cutoff point, deadline, delimitation, determinant, division line, end, extremity, finish, floor, frontier, hedge, interface, limen, limit, limitation, limiting factor, line, line of demarcation, load waterline, low-water mark, lower limit, march, mark, mete, start, starting line, starting point, target date, term, terminal date, terminus, threshold, tidemark, time allotment, upper limit, waterline, watermark
Main Entry: |
hit the high spots |
Synonyms: |
abridge, blink, brief, browse, capsule, capsulize, carefully ignore, cold-shoulder, condense, cut a corner, cut corners, dip into, dodge, examine cursorily, fudge, give the once-over, glance at, glance over, glance through, nutshell, outline, page through, pass over, pass over lightly, run over, run through, scamp, scan, scratch the surface, shorten, sketch, sketch out, skim, skim over, skim the surface, skimp, skip over, slight, slip through, slubber over, slur, slur over, summarize, synopsize, thumb over, thumb through, touch upon, touch upon lightly, zip through
Main Entry: |
junior high school |
Synonyms: |
Gymnasium, Latin school, Realgymnasium, Realschule, academy, grammar school, high, high school, intermediate school, junior high, middle school, prep school, preparatory school, public school, secondary school, seminary, senior high, senior high school
Main Entry: |
knee-high |
Synonyms: |
couchant, cramped, crouched, debased, depressed, dinky, exiguous, flat, half-pint, knocked flat, laid low, limited, little, low-built, low-hung, low-level, low-leveled, low-lying, low-set, low-statured, low, neap, one-horse, petite, piddling, pindling, pint-sized, poky, prone, puny, recumbent, runty, short, slight, small, smallish, squat, squatty, stooped, stumpy, supine, two-by-four, unelevated
Main Entry: |
on high |
Synonyms: |
above, abovestairs, airward, aloft, aloof, among the blest, ethereally, high, high up, in glory, in heaven, in the air, in the clouds, on stilts, on the peak, on tiptoe, over, overhead, paradisally, skyward, straight up, tiptoe, to the zenith, up, upstairs, upward, upwards
Main entries similar to: high |
abandoned, above, academy, acute, aerial, afflicted, aggrandized, agog, air mass, airy, aloft, aloof, alveolar, aristocratic, aroused, ascending, asking price, aspiring, assimilated, august, awesome, back, bad, barfy, beaming, beatified, bent, bid price, big, bighearted, bilabial, blithe, blithesome, blown, book value, boundless, brackish, bright, broad, bursting, buzz, carried away, catalepsy, central, cerebral, cheerful, cheery, chivalrous, close, cloying, cockeyed, cogwheel, cold front, colossal, coma, consonant, cyclone, dear, decline, dental, differential, distinguished, doped, dorsal, drugged, ducal, ebullient, ecstatic, effervescent, egregious, elated, elevated, eloquent, eminent, enchanted, enormous, enraptured, enravished, entranced, erect, ethereal, eupeptic, euphoric, exaggerated, exalted, excellent, excessive, excessively, excited, exhilarated, exorbitant, expensive, extravagant, extreme, exultant, fabulous, face value, falsetto, famous, fancy, fecal, fetid, fired, flamboyant, flat, fluctuation, flurry, flushed, flutter, foul, fried, front, frowsty, frowzy, fuddled, fulsome, funky, fusty, gamy, gear, generous, genial, genteel, gentle, gentlemanly, gigantic, glad, gladsome, glide, glorified, glorious, glossal, glottal, glowing, gluttonous, godlike, grammar school, grand, great, greathearted, guttural, handsome, happy, hard, haughty, heavy, heroic, high and mighty, high on the hog, high school, high-flown, high-minded, high-pitched, high-sounding, highfalutin, hopeful, hopped-up, icky, idealistic, illuminated, immoderate, immortal, immortalized, impassioned, imposing, in the air, incontinent, inflamed, inordinate, inordinately, intemperate, intemperately, intermediate, irrepressible, isobar, isotherm, issue price, jubilant, junior high school, keyed-up, kingly, knightly, labial, ladylike, largehearted, lateral, lauded, laughing, lax, lethargy, liberal, light, lingual, liquid, lit, loaded, lofty, low, luxurious, lyceum, maggoty, magnanimous, magnificent, magnified, majestic, malodorous, manic, market value, mawkish, mezzo-soprano, miasmic, mid, middle school, mighty, mildewed, moldy, monstrous, monumental, mountainous, mounting, moved, musty, muted, muzzy, narcohypnosis, narcolepsy, narcosis, narrow, nasal, nasalized, nasty, nauseating, nauseous, neutral, noble, noble-minded, nod, noisome, noxious, occlusive, odorous, off, offensive, Olympian, on high, open, openhanded, optimistic, organized, out of bounds, out of sight, out of this world, outrageous, over, overdeveloped, overdrive, overgrown, overhead, overjoyed, overlarge, overmuch, overripe, overweening, palatal, par, par value, parity, patrician, pharyngeal, phonemic, phonetic, phonic, pickled, pie-eyed, piercing, piping, pissed, pitched, plastered, pleasant, poisonous, polluted, possessed, potted, powerful, premium, preparatory school, price, pricey, princely, prohibitive, prominent, public school, putrid, queenly, quotation, rack, raddled, radiant, raised, rally, rampant, rancid, rank, rapt, rapturous, rarefied, ravished, reasty, rebarbative, reeking, renowned, repulsive, retroflex, reverse, rhapsodic, rhapsodical, rich, rosy, rotten, rounded, sainted, sanctified, sanguine, secondary school, sedation, seminary, sharp, shock, shrill, sickening, skyward, sleeping sickness, smashed, smelly, smiling, soaked, soaring, soft, sonant, sopor, soprano, sour, soured, soused, sparkling, spiritual, spoiled, stale, steamed up, steep, stewed, stick shift, stiff, stilted, stimulated, stinking, stinko, stirred up, stoned, stopped, stressed, strong, stuffy, stupor, sublime, sulfurous, sumptuous, sunny, superb, supereminent, superlative, supernal, surd, swing, swoon, syllabic, synchromesh, tainted, tall, tanked, tenor, tense, thanatosis, thick, thin, thrilled, throaty, tight, tingling, tiptoe, titled, tonal, tonic, too much, top, topless, toplofty, topping, towering, trance, transmission, transported, treble, turned on, twangy, unaccented, unbridled, unconscionable, under, undue, unpayable, unreasonable, unrestrained, unstressed, up, upcast, uplifted, upraised, upright, upstairs, upward, vile, voiced, voiceless, vomity, vowel, weak, weather map, weevily, wide, winsome, worked up, wrought up, yeasty, yucky, zonked