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Displaying 1 match and 1 supplemental result for restrained 1.207 sec.
Main Entry: restrained
Attic, Ciceronian, Olympian, aesthetic, aloof, arrested, artistic, aseptic, backward, barred, bashful, beleaguered, beset, besieged, blank, blockaded, bound, bridled, cabined, caged, chaste, chastened, chilled, chilly, choice, classic, clear, cloistered, closed-in, cold, confined, constrained, controlled, cool, cooped, cordoned, cordoned off, corralled, cramped, cribbed, curbed, detached, direct, discreet, distant, easy, elegant, enclosed, excellent, expressionless, fenced, finished, forbidding, frigid, frosty, frugal, graceful, gracile, guarded, hedged, hemmed, hushed, icy, immured, impassive, impersonal, imprisoned, in check, in control, in good taste, in hand, in leading strings, in remission, inaccessible, incarcerated, incommunicable, inhibited, introverted, jailed, leaguered, limited, limpid, lucid, measured, mewed, moderate, modest, natural, neat, noncommittal, of choice, of quality, offish, on leash, paled, pellucid, penned, pent-up, perspicuous, plain, pleasing, polished, pure, quarantined, quelled, quiet, railed, reasonable, refined, remote, removed, repressed, reserved, retarded, reticent, retiring, round, shrinking, shut-in, simple, slowed down, sober, softened, sparing, stable, standoff, standoffish, stinting, straightforward, subdued, suppressed, tasteful, tasty, temperate, tempered, terse, trim, unaffable, unaffected, unapproachable, uncongenial, undemonstrative, under control, under discipline, under restraint, understated, unexcessive, unexpansive, unextreme, ungenial, unlabored, unobtrusive, walled-in, walled, well-chosen, withdrawn

Main Entry: self-restrained
assured, balanced, collected, composed, confident, controlled, equanimous, equilibrious, firm-minded, forward, importunate, independent, levelheaded, poised, pushy, recollected, self-asserting, self-assertive, self-assured, self-confident, self-controlled, self-expressive, self-possessed, strong-minded, strong-willed, together, well-balanced
Main entries similar to: restrained
aesthetic, aloof, arrested, artistic, ascetic, ashamed, Attic, backward, barred, bashful, beleaguered, beset, blank, bound, businesslike, chary, chaste, chastened, chilly, choice, classical, clear, cloistered, cold, confined, conservative, constrained, continent, cool, cramped, detached, direct, discreet, distant, easy, elegant, enclosed, excellent, expressionless, finished, forbidding, frigid, frosty, frugal, graceful, gracile, guarded, hemmed in, hushed, icy, immured, impassive, impersonal, imprisoned, in hand, inaccessible, incarcerated, incommodious, inhibited, introverted, jailed, limited, limpid, lucid, measured, moderate, modest, natural, neat, noncommittal, offish, Olympian, pellucid, penned, pent-up, perspicuous, phlegmatic, plain, pleasing, polished, pure, quarantined, quelled, quiet, reasonable, refined, remote, removed, repressed, reserved, retarded, reticent, retiring, round, severe, shrinking, shut in, silent, simple, sober, softened, sparing, stable, staid, standoffish, stinting, straightforward, subdued, suppressed, tasteful, tasty, temperate, tempered, terse, trim, unaffected, unapproachable, uncongenial, undemonstrative, under control, understated, unlabored, unnatural, unobtrusive, walled, withdrawn